Theme: Recognizing the limitless potential in ourselves, and seeing how we are connected to others so we can see our own goodness reflected in them. We contemplated a myth about the dispute between Brahma and Vishnu over which of them was greater and how Shiva manifested as a pillar of fire to end the dispute. Ultimately Shiva taught them that fighting over the superiority of one or the other was erroneous because they were both good and were part of a greater whole so neither could be greater than the other because they were a part of one another. Here is a summary of the story I found through a web search...
According to Puranas, once the other two of the triads of Hindu Gods, Brahma and Vishnu were fighting over each other’s prowess. Horrified at the intensity of the battle, the other gods asked Shiva to intervene. To make them realize the futility of their fight, Lord Shiva assumed the form of a flaming Linga in between Brahma and Vishnu and challenged both of them by asking them to measure the gigantic Linga (Shiva in the form of a pillar of fire).
Awestruck by its magnitude, Brahma and Vishnu decided to find one end each to establish supremacy over the other. Lord Brahma took the form of a swan and went upwards while Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha - a boar and went into the earth towards nether land. Both searched for thousands of miles but neither could find the end.
On his journey upward, Brahma came across the ketaki flower of a fragrant bush. Exhausted and bewildered with his search to find the uppermost limit of fiery column, Brahma made Ketaki assent to lie that he had seen the top of the column where the flower had previously resided. Accompanied by his accomplice, Brahma confronted Vishnu and asserted that he had indeed discovered the origin of the cosmic column.
At this point, the central part of the pillar split open and Shiva revealed himself in his full glory. Overawed, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before him accepted lord Shiva’s supremacy. Lord Shiva also explained to Brahma and Vishnu that both of them were born out of him and that the three were then separated out into three different aspects of divinity.
However, Lord Shiva was angry with Brahma for making a false claim. The Lord cursed Brahma that no one would ever pray to him. (This legend explains why there is hardly any Brahma temple of significance in India.) Lord Shiva also punished the Ketaki flower for testifying falsely and banned her from being used as an offering for any worship.
Sequence for the Class:
According to Puranas, once the other two of the triads of Hindu Gods, Brahma and Vishnu were fighting over each other’s prowess. Horrified at the intensity of the battle, the other gods asked Shiva to intervene. To make them realize the futility of their fight, Lord Shiva assumed the form of a flaming Linga in between Brahma and Vishnu and challenged both of them by asking them to measure the gigantic Linga (Shiva in the form of a pillar of fire).
Awestruck by its magnitude, Brahma and Vishnu decided to find one end each to establish supremacy over the other. Lord Brahma took the form of a swan and went upwards while Lord Vishnu assumed the form of Varaha - a boar and went into the earth towards nether land. Both searched for thousands of miles but neither could find the end.
On his journey upward, Brahma came across the ketaki flower of a fragrant bush. Exhausted and bewildered with his search to find the uppermost limit of fiery column, Brahma made Ketaki assent to lie that he had seen the top of the column where the flower had previously resided. Accompanied by his accomplice, Brahma confronted Vishnu and asserted that he had indeed discovered the origin of the cosmic column.
At this point, the central part of the pillar split open and Shiva revealed himself in his full glory. Overawed, both Brahma and Vishnu bowed before him accepted lord Shiva’s supremacy. Lord Shiva also explained to Brahma and Vishnu that both of them were born out of him and that the three were then separated out into three different aspects of divinity.
However, Lord Shiva was angry with Brahma for making a false claim. The Lord cursed Brahma that no one would ever pray to him. (This legend explains why there is hardly any Brahma temple of significance in India.) Lord Shiva also punished the Ketaki flower for testifying falsely and banned her from being used as an offering for any worship.
Sequence for the Class:
- Camel
- Alternating hands/legs stretches with breath
- Downward Dog – peddle legs
- Uttanasana – legs up and back, nose to knee, low lunge
- Uttanasana – legs up and back, low lunge twist
- Uttanasana – legs up and back, high lunge
- Tadasana, step back DD/plank, lower down, Cobra
- Tadasana, step back DD/plank, lower down, 8 point
- Tadasana, step back DD/plank, lower down, Bow-Dhanurasana
- Childs pose, sit up, check in
- Tadasana – Volcano
- Vrksasana – using principles from Tadasana
- Utkatasana – chair pose
- Parshwottanasana – forward bend
- Parshwakonasana – side angle
- Trikonasana – triangle
- Virabhadrasana II – warrior II
- Starfish pose – aka da vinci pose
- Padottanasana – wide legged forward bend
- DEMO Warrior III – Virabhadrasana III at the wall, introduce principles
- DEMO Warrior III – Virabhadrasana III in middle of room with partner
- MAHA Warrior III – Virabhadrasana III in middle of the room
- Firelog with a twist
- wide legged forward bend
- janu sirsasana – head/knee forward bend on each side
- raised leg – sputa padangusthasana
- cactus arms plus side twists – jathara parivartanasana
- robot then rise up – setubandha sarvangasana (urdhva dhanurasana optional)
- navasana – boat
- Sivasana 15 minutes