Monday, May 9, 2011

Lila: Divine Creative Play

Theme: Talk about what role we play in the universe. Lila or divine creative play is why we are embodied. We thank our mothers for giving us the gift of embodiment.

Comfortable Seat on blanket, widen pelvis
Inhale arms up to anjali mudra, reverse
Cactus Arms, in/out, rotate, in out
Overhead, clasp fingers and stretch, roll, bend, pull, shake
Garudhasana arms/tea gloves

All Fours, forearms, lift hands drop head
Cat/Cow, alternating arms, then arms & legs
All Fours, twist and thread
Google Hips, kneeling Pvakon, iguana low squat
Downdog, knees down and wide, reach forward

Warrior II, pvakon, archer
Google Hips standing, then WLFB, root and rise
Goddess Squat, turn open to each side
Warrior II bend knees root and rise

WLFB Seated
Janu Sirsasana
Hand on back/elbow
Lay on side

Monday, May 2, 2011

Matsyendara - When Inauspicious Things are a Gateway to the Divine

Matsyendra is a legendary tantric sage. The legend of his life is
that he was cast into the sea at birth because of inauspicious birth
and lived in the belly of a fish that swallowed him. While in the
belly he overheard Shiva and Parvati in their undersea base practicing
yoga so he learned it over the next 12 years. Eventually he escaped
when he mastered yoga. So there are a lot of layers here, but
basically the message is about transformation.

Matsyendra's inauspicious birth was a gateway to his later becoming a founding tantra yogi. Talk about Tantra meaning weaving, leading with the heart through life.

Focus on side body long and skull loop

Surya Namaskar (LL Twist/HL Twist/Rev Trikon)
Chaturanga Vinyasa x12 (for the 12 years Mastyendra spent in the fish's belly)
Ardha Bakasana (level 2 Koundinyasana)

Dolphin with block Headstand prep (level 2 headstand)
Downdog Twist
Cross pose (fallen warrior)
Ardha Matsyendrasana

Setubanda Sarvangasana supported with Block