Sunday, December 12, 2010

Ahimsa: Non-Harming and Compassion for Self and Others

Ahimsa is the first yama or ethical precept and means non-harming. Means not harming yourself and others
Goes hand in hand with compassion
Talk about Ahimsa and diet, eating compassionately for your self and for other beings

Centering turn inward and connect to your breath. Look at yourself as perfect as you are, a creation of the divine. Have compassion for yourself and your perceived faults or imperfections. From that place of self-compassion turn outward and shine and radiate your compassion out into the world.

Open to Grace - Surrender (contrasting with battle theme from Bhagavad Git...remember bowing to goddesses from previous weeks)
1. Sun Salutation - High Lunge
2. Sun Salutation - Low Lunge, Twist, lift back leg up
3. Sun Salutation - Low Lunge, Thigh Stretch

Muscle Energy - Give yourself a hug, muscle to bone action is protective and safe for your body
1. Handstand Demo - legs in L at the wall, work with partner to spot alignment
2. Pincha Mayurasana - work with partner at to spot your shoulder/elbow alignment at the wall
3. Shoulder opener, Vasisthasana, Wild Thing

Inner Spiral - bow inward, have compassion for yourself. What can you do to serve yourself better?
1. DD - turn pelvis open - Iguana

Outer Spiral - look at the world around you. How can you serve others?
2. DD - turn pelvis open - Pigeon, rise up, bow forward, thigh stretch

Organic Extension - reach out to the world around you. How can you help?
3. DD - turn pelvis open - Hanumanasana (ultimate compassion pose - hanuman represents service or seva)

Supta Padangusthasana

Closing: We practice yoga to cultivate Ahimsa and Compassion for ourselves and others, so we can recognize the divine in the world around us and in our own hearts.

Success!/Concerns: Had some students return after last weeks class and they said the techniques last week for stress and anxiety helped them. Didn't get through my whole class sequence because we spent more time focusing on the inversions and instructing proper alignment. I gave the students more to interact and help spot each others alignment in the poses after showing them what to look for.

Had another class coming in that wasn't scheduled so not a lot of time for Savasana. Promised them a longer Savasana next week.

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