Monday, December 27, 2010

Happy Holidays: Celebrating a Light Shining in the Darkness

Everyone needs a blanket, two blocks, and a strap

Centering - Christmas is a time of celebrating light shining in the darkness, so in our practice we want to turn inward and see the light in ourselves and nourish and sustain that light through the darkest days of the year.

With the lunar eclipse on the solstice we are reminded of the yoga philosophers who said that our divinity is like a light that is always shining and perfect, but sometimes the barriers of our mind and body block that light from shining as brightly. So we can skillfully engage to remove the heavenly bodies that block the light from shining or sometimes is what's blocking us is really intense we just continue to breath with the knowledge that, like the eclipse, the barriers will eventually subside and we will shine brightly again. We just have to remain patient and devoted to that light.

Tadasana - snow angel arms moving with the breath
CV - flow with the breath at own speed through several gentle vinyasas - curl your heart open like a candy cane
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge with a twist like the stripes on a canday cane on each side, padding the knees for support. Place hands for sphinx pose and settle in for a minute. Remember Egypt came up with idea of father time, as Osirus was reborn every year as baby and then entombed on Dec 21st.
Utkatasana - Ardha Uttanasana - skiing/santa driving his sleigh looking down at houses
Vrksasana - hold hands like a string of christmas lights on your tree and then smile to light your tree up!

Star/Padottanasana - like a star in the sky or a gingerbread man right out of the oven...hold for a minute then bow forward, let your doughy heart melt onto the mat
Downdog/Nutcracker lion - hold leg back and up behind you on each side, turn hips open to tap neighbor, giving them a little christmas cheer...come back to downdog and let out any sounds.
Standing Splits - bring leg back and up behind you on each side, like the flag on the mailbox full of christmas cards, send card to someone you're thankful to, then send one to yourself. Thank yourself for shining through the darkest longest nights of the year. Know now that the days will get longer and your life will be filled with more light.
Agnistambhasana - Yule log post
Padottanasana - wide legged forward bend - I just slipped on the ice pose

Janu Sirsasana - tying the laces on your ice skates
Padangusthasana with strap - hang the strap over your foot like a christmas stocking handing from the mantle. make the bottom of your foot a flat shelf, pressed up towards ceiling. What gift are you going to give yourself and others this year.
Jathara Parivartanasana - Jelly Belly Twist - get it touch with your bowl full of jelly
Happy Baby Jesus pose

Closing: We practice yoga to celebrate the light that shines in the darkness. Even when our divine light is obscured, we're reminded that it's still always there, good and perfect as it is, and it will eventually be revealed. Peace on earth, goodwill towards all beings everywhere.

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