Sunday, November 20, 2011

Arjuna and the Song of God

Bhagavad Gita or Song of God is conversation between Krishna and
Arjuna about right and wrong.

War in the story represents the inner world and the soul struggling
with its purpose

Introduce skull loop, press back of head back into your hands then
level the gaze. Centering, think about five principles.

Tadasana/Uttanansana/Dowdog - 5 principles engaging in all poses
Chatturanga Vinyasa - one for each pandava brother
Plank - knee to nose six times on each leg, for the 12 years of exile
Childs pose for last year in hiding. Pandavas tricked by cousins the
Kauravas into gambling away their kingdom for 13 years.

Surya Namaskar - Warrior I/Pvottanasana/Warrior Seal - Arjuna the
warrior tells his brother in law Krishna he wants to give up the
SN - Pvakonasana/Warrior II/Reverse Warrior - Krishna reveals himself
as the divine and demands that Arjuna fight
SN - High Lunge/Utkatasana Twist/Warrior III - Arjuna decides to fight
HL - twist- revolved - on the 13th day of battle arjunas son abhimanya
is killed in chariot battle by the evil king jayadratha's forces.
They violate rules of war by luring him into a trap, disarming him and
smashing his skull while he's on the ground. He kills many kaurava's
before he is slain.

Padottansana/Star - Arjuna cannot reach Jayadratha because he hides
behind his army. Krishna summons nightfall, calling on the forces of
the stars and moon to darken the sky.
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana - Krishna finishes using yoga powers to
invoice darkness so days battle will end and lure Jayadratha will be
lured out.
Hanumanasana - Krishna tells Arjuna to use his passion and anger to
overcome Jayadratha...not to check out emotionally. Connect to your
body and your tight hamstrings. Feel your embodiment for better or
worse. In protecting your family, friends, and community, engage
deeply when you are uncomfortable.
Supta Padangusthasana

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Krishna, the Demon Slayer

Show shoulder loop, lift shoulders up towards ears so edges of shoulders level with base of the neck. Draw shoulder blades down the back then widen the heart/shoulders apart. Use this in every pose you do today.

8th incarnation of Vishnu
Embodiment of love and divine joy

Born to Devaki, daughter of the cruel demon king Kamsa
Prophecy held that Kamsa would be killed by his nephew so he slew all of them at birth

Krishna was the 7th boy born to his mother but escaped when she swapped him with a cowherds daughter

Cat/Cow - grew up as a cowherd
Chaturanga Vinyasa x5 - one for each of Kaliya's heads, the giant serpent who poisoned the holy river Yamuna
Vrksasana - climbed out on a limb to get ball that fell in the river, jumped onto Kaliya's head and danced until he tired of fighting
Natarajasana - Barn Dance with the milkmaids, the divine dances with everyone

Cobra pose - demon king sends 5 demons to defeat Krishna - Aghasura was another giant serpent who pretended to be a cave
Shiva Twists - whirlwind demon Trinivata, krishna became too large for him to hold up and he crashed
Malasana/Bakasana - Bakasura the crane, krishma pulled off his beak
Plank/Cow/Gomukasana - demon disguised as calf named Vatasura came to get him. He threw it into a tree.
Ustrasana - the monsterous horse Keshisura, he stuck his hand in its throat and expanded it, choking him, expand your heart like Krishas hand is inside expanding there.

Downdog/Uttanasana/Tadasana - with arms outstretched overhead - Krishna taught the cowherds to stop giving sacrifice to Indra, held a mountain overhead to protect them from storms
Virasana - nadi shodana, breathing into body like a flute
Dolphin with assistant and Peacock pose at the wall
Spadog and child's pose with partner rooting hips
Navasana - Krishma and Radha in the boat, restores great uncle to power and meets Arjuna

Monday, November 7, 2011

Vishnu, the Force of Preservation

Show Kidney Loop and puffing up the kidneys - breath into kidneys with the partner at start of class.

Talk about how Vishnu is the preserver and takes many forms. Mention that one of those Avatars is Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita which we will discuss all of November.

Chatturanga Vinyasa x 10 for the 10 avatars of Vishnu
Lion's Breath - Narasimha, the half lion who defeats Hiranyahashapu
Cat/Cow - Krishna turn from lion into cowherder
Warrior I/Prvottanasana/Bow - Rama the warrior who defeats Raavana

Garudhasana - Eagle pose, as Vishnu rides a giant eagle sometimes
Natarajasana w/strap - Krishna dances in the field with the cowgirls
Sphinx with thigh stretch on each side
Bow pose, roll over onto each side

Setubhanda Sarvangasana and try bridge
Urdhva Dhanurasana with partner and then by self
Cobra with knees bent with partner
Spadog with partner

uttansana and Shivasana