Tadasana- Vinyasa
SN - Pvakon - Trikon - AC
SN - Iguana - Pigeon
Standing Backbend up to tipetoes - Vrksasana, padangusthasana
Shoulder Opener at the wall
HS at the wall
Padangusthasana at the wall, opening the hips
Demo - Vasisthasina
Windshield Wipers/Jathara Parivartanasana
Supta Padangusthasana
Monday, February 13, 2012
Monday, February 6, 2012
Ankle/Shin Loop
SN - LL Twist
SN - LL Twist HL
Utkatasana Twist
Partner Cobra
Cobra with shins on the wall
Windshield wipers
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
SN - LL Twist
SN - LL Twist HL
Utkatasana Twist
Partner Cobra
Cobra with shins on the wall
Windshield wipers
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Monday, January 30, 2012
Saraswati - Flowing Gracefully
Today we're talking about Organic Extension, the last principle, but also how it flows back into first principle, Open to Grace
Manifestation of one supreme divine river that takes many forms
Saras = flowing + wati = she who has
The sara is the same as in Anusara - flowing with grace
She is a river as well as a personification of a goddess
Related to Shiva and Ganesha, maybe daughter of one of them
She has four arms, seated on a white lotus, wearing all white
Opening Centering exercise - see thoughts as a river flowing by. Be on the bank and watch the thoughts float by, don't get caught up in the river, watch and observe.
Students face one another to support one another with organic extension.
Do four Sun Salutations, one for each of her arms:
Holding arms and stretch, alternating legs
1. HL - low cobra
2. Pvakon - WII - drunken cobra
3. WI - Pvott - shalabasana
4. WI - WIII - standing splits - superman locust
Janu Sirsasana
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Manifestation of one supreme divine river that takes many forms
Saras = flowing + wati = she who has
The sara is the same as in Anusara - flowing with grace
She is a river as well as a personification of a goddess
Related to Shiva and Ganesha, maybe daughter of one of them
She has four arms, seated on a white lotus, wearing all white
Opening Centering exercise - see thoughts as a river flowing by. Be on the bank and watch the thoughts float by, don't get caught up in the river, watch and observe.
Students face one another to support one another with organic extension.
Do four Sun Salutations, one for each of her arms:
Holding arms and stretch, alternating legs
1. HL - low cobra
2. Pvakon - WII - drunken cobra
3. WI - Pvott - shalabasana
4. WI - WIII - standing splits - superman locust
Janu Sirsasana
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
Inward and Outward Compassion
Centering - Set an intention for compassion turned inward - seated move thighs into inner spiral
Block to encourage Shins in Thighs out and Inner/Outer Spiral in Vinyasa
Surya Namaskar - imagine block is there - clasp hands behind back rising up
Pvakonasana - Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana - flying cobra
Utkatasana - Ntarajasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana
Strap encouraging Inner Spiral in Downdog with Partner
Ustrasana - Camel Pose with Block
Dandasana - use blocks to lift up, core work
Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Baddhakhonasana - meditate on compassion turned outward
Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Hanumanasana
Block to encourage Shins in Thighs out and Inner/Outer Spiral in Vinyasa
Surya Namaskar - imagine block is there - clasp hands behind back rising up
Pvakonasana - Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana - flying cobra
Utkatasana - Ntarajasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana
Strap encouraging Inner Spiral in Downdog with Partner
Ustrasana - Camel Pose with Block
Dandasana - use blocks to lift up, core work
Forward Bend - Uttanasana
Baddhakhonasana - meditate on compassion turned outward
Janu Sirsasana
Ardha Hanumanasana
Monday, January 16, 2012
Safety Dance with the Divine
Muscle Energy protects us during our poses, talk about common misalignments and how to prevent injury.
Uttanasana - feet parallel with heels wide to keep low back and hips open, hands on shins when blocks or floor not available
Cobra - heart open but not dumping into low back. Keep gave level (don't need to turn gaze up to ceiling).
Downdog - rising up from cobra without dumping into low back, keep core engaged
Practice several vinyasa's safely using alignment priciples
Warrior II - knee tracking in line with second toe on front leg, Rev keep hand off of the knee
Trikonasana - Knees microbent so they don't lock. Turn from the waist then heart then head
Vrksasana - place the foot of the bent leg above or below the knee, not on it!
Utkatasana - knees tracking parallel with feet (in line with second toe), not bowed in or out
Malasana - feet can be flat on the floor, feet as wide as you need to get deep into the pose safely and comfortably
Headstand - using blocks to apply pressure safely into skull
Shoulderstand with blankets under shoulders to keep natural curve in back of neck
Bridge pose - safe space between shoulderblades and under the neck
Long Savasana to absorb
Uttanasana - feet parallel with heels wide to keep low back and hips open, hands on shins when blocks or floor not available
Cobra - heart open but not dumping into low back. Keep gave level (don't need to turn gaze up to ceiling).
Downdog - rising up from cobra without dumping into low back, keep core engaged
Practice several vinyasa's safely using alignment priciples
Warrior II - knee tracking in line with second toe on front leg, Rev keep hand off of the knee
Trikonasana - Knees microbent so they don't lock. Turn from the waist then heart then head
Vrksasana - place the foot of the bent leg above or below the knee, not on it!
Utkatasana - knees tracking parallel with feet (in line with second toe), not bowed in or out
Malasana - feet can be flat on the floor, feet as wide as you need to get deep into the pose safely and comfortably
Headstand - using blocks to apply pressure safely into skull
Shoulderstand with blankets under shoulders to keep natural curve in back of neck
Bridge pose - safe space between shoulderblades and under the neck
Long Savasana to absorb
Monday, January 9, 2012
Heart Opening
Strap Heart opening exercises
Vinyasa x3
Surya Namaskar - bow pose
Padottanasana with hand clasped - Trikonasana
Parsvakonasana - Warrior II - Warrior Seal
Cobra with Partner
Dolphin at Wall with Partner for heart opening
Pincha Mayurasana at Wall
Cale with thighs and pelvis at the wall
Virasana supported on a bolster
Bridge - one leg up at a time
Bridge using hands at wall to press up to backbend
Open low back by kicking in bow back into wall
uttanasana - savasana
Vinyasa x3
Surya Namaskar - bow pose
Padottanasana with hand clasped - Trikonasana
Parsvakonasana - Warrior II - Warrior Seal
Cobra with Partner
Dolphin at Wall with Partner for heart opening
Pincha Mayurasana at Wall
Cale with thighs and pelvis at the wall
Virasana supported on a bolster
Bridge - one leg up at a time
Bridge using hands at wall to press up to backbend
Open low back by kicking in bow back into wall
uttanasana - savasana
Thursday, January 5, 2012
Lion's Breath
Centering exercise
Cat/Cow - focus on foundation moving through vinyasa (heart opening)
Parsvakonasana - twist both sides (hip opening and core twist)
Parsvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana (hamstring opening)
Standing on Blanket Roll (calf opening), standing on hands
Utkatasana - Malasana - Bakasana
Lion's breath/Wrist Stretch (wrist opening)
Mayurasana prep (start with crown resting on floor)
Dolphin - dolphin plank core - sphinx w/ TS
Table Tricep Dips
Windshield Wipers/Jathara Parivartanasana w/ bent then straight legs
Eye of the Needle Pose - Happy Baby - Savasana
Cat/Cow - focus on foundation moving through vinyasa (heart opening)
Parsvakonasana - twist both sides (hip opening and core twist)
Parsvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana (hamstring opening)
Standing on Blanket Roll (calf opening), standing on hands
Utkatasana - Malasana - Bakasana
Lion's breath/Wrist Stretch (wrist opening)
Mayurasana prep (start with crown resting on floor)
Dolphin - dolphin plank core - sphinx w/ TS
Table Tricep Dips
Windshield Wipers/Jathara Parivartanasana w/ bent then straight legs
Eye of the Needle Pose - Happy Baby - Savasana
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Setting a Strong Foundation
Starting in Uttanasana - Vinyasa focused on foundational alignment of the hands
How we set our foundation, reflects our intentions...
Surya Namaskar engage muscle energy to create a strong foundation
Parsvakonasana - Warrior II - reverse warrior
Padottanasana FB - Trikonasana
Vrksasana - UHP - focusing on foundation on one foot
Adho Mukha Vrksasana at the wall - foundation of the hands
Standing Splits at the wall with one leg up the wall
Hanumanasana with back foot pressed into the wall
Headstand prep - dolphin pose pressing crown into soft blocks on the floor
How we set our foundation, reflects our intentions...
Surya Namaskar engage muscle energy to create a strong foundation
Parsvakonasana - Warrior II - reverse warrior
Padottanasana FB - Trikonasana
Vrksasana - UHP - focusing on foundation on one foot
Adho Mukha Vrksasana at the wall - foundation of the hands
Standing Splits at the wall with one leg up the wall
Hanumanasana with back foot pressed into the wall
Headstand prep - dolphin pose pressing crown into soft blocks on the floor
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