Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twist - lift back leg into high lunge
Iguana with twist and Thigh Stretch
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Parsvottanasana - Parivritta Trikonasana
Headstand Prep holding two blocks on the floor to control pressure on crown
Ardha Virasana
Jathara Parivartanasana
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Winter Solstice/Yule Class
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Parsvakonasana - Trikonasana
Pvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana
Utkatasana (w/Twist) - Malasana - Bakasana/Ardha Bakasana
Low Lunge with Thigh Stretch
Low Lunge Twist with Thigh Stretch
Iguana - Pigeon
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Ardha Hanumanasana
Kabalbhati Kriya Pranayama
Happy Baby
We practice yoga to shine the light of our hearts out, to illuminate the divine in the darkness
Parsvakonasana - Trikonasana
Pvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana
Utkatasana (w/Twist) - Malasana - Bakasana/Ardha Bakasana
Low Lunge with Thigh Stretch
Low Lunge Twist with Thigh Stretch
Iguana - Pigeon
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Ardha Hanumanasana
Kabalbhati Kriya Pranayama
Happy Baby
We practice yoga to shine the light of our hearts out, to illuminate the divine in the darkness
Monday, December 19, 2011
Pranayama Flow Class
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Bada Konasana
Nodi Shodhana
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Bada Konasana
Nodi Shodhana
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
The Guru Within
Acknowledge that the Guru is not a person you venerate, the Guru is anything that you learn from. Turn inward and see what your body is teaching you. Look outward for inspiration from the world, the Guru can take the form of something you learn from another person or experience, but do not mistake the individual you learn something from for the Guru. The Guru is everywhere in everything. My teachers say, if someone tells you they are your Guru, then run away screaming. You are your own teacher, learn from yourself and find out what your body is trying to tell you about the stuck places and energy you find in your practice.
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Worked with partners to massage the wrists before arm balances
Handstand at the wall with feet on the wall, then handstand at the wall kickup up to the wall
Vasisthasina, practice with kickstand to get the hips high
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Worked with partners to massage the wrists before arm balances
Handstand at the wall with feet on the wall, then handstand at the wall kickup up to the wall
Vasisthasina, practice with kickstand to get the hips high
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Monday, December 12, 2011
Lunar Eclipse - Concealing and Revealing our Divine Nature
Just as the light of the moon is obscured during an eclipse, so the light of our hearts sometimes are eclipsed until we come to the mat and work out the stuck energy and places in our bodies. We do our practice to clear the dust from the mirror of our being so the light can shine through brightly.
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Thigh Stretch
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twisted Thigh Stretch
Uttkatasana - Standing Shalabhasana/twist to each side - Forward Bend
Handstand at the Wall (walk feet from downdog up the wall one at a time)
Vasisthasana, demo kickstand
Child's pose
Natarajasana with partner and a strap
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Happy Baby/Savasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Thigh Stretch
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twisted Thigh Stretch
Uttkatasana - Standing Shalabhasana/twist to each side - Forward Bend
Handstand at the Wall (walk feet from downdog up the wall one at a time)
Vasisthasana, demo kickstand
Child's pose
Natarajasana with partner and a strap
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Happy Baby/Savasana
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sat Chit Ananda
Centering/Invocation - Sat Chit Ananda
Surya Namaskar
Vinyasa x 3 (sphinx w/ Thigh Stretch, shalabhasana, dhanurasana)
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana with partners
Shoulder Stretch/Opener at the wall
Handstand at the Wall
Thigh Stretch at the wall
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Windshield Wiper Twist
Jathara Parivartanasana
Happy Baby
Surya Namaskar
Vinyasa x 3 (sphinx w/ Thigh Stretch, shalabhasana, dhanurasana)
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana with partners
Shoulder Stretch/Opener at the wall
Handstand at the Wall
Thigh Stretch at the wall
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Windshield Wiper Twist
Jathara Parivartanasana
Happy Baby
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