Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twist - lift back leg into high lunge
Iguana with twist and Thigh Stretch
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Parsvottanasana - Parivritta Trikonasana
Headstand Prep holding two blocks on the floor to control pressure on crown
Ardha Virasana
Jathara Parivartanasana
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Winter Solstice/Yule Class
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Parsvakonasana - Trikonasana
Pvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana
Utkatasana (w/Twist) - Malasana - Bakasana/Ardha Bakasana
Low Lunge with Thigh Stretch
Low Lunge Twist with Thigh Stretch
Iguana - Pigeon
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Ardha Hanumanasana
Kabalbhati Kriya Pranayama
Happy Baby
We practice yoga to shine the light of our hearts out, to illuminate the divine in the darkness
Parsvakonasana - Trikonasana
Pvottanasana - Parivrtta Trikonasana
Utkatasana (w/Twist) - Malasana - Bakasana/Ardha Bakasana
Low Lunge with Thigh Stretch
Low Lunge Twist with Thigh Stretch
Iguana - Pigeon
Pigeon with Thigh Stretch
Ardha Hanumanasana
Kabalbhati Kriya Pranayama
Happy Baby
We practice yoga to shine the light of our hearts out, to illuminate the divine in the darkness
Monday, December 19, 2011
Pranayama Flow Class
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Bada Konasana
Nodi Shodhana
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Utthita Hasta Padangusthasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Bada Konasana
Nodi Shodhana
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
The Guru Within
Acknowledge that the Guru is not a person you venerate, the Guru is anything that you learn from. Turn inward and see what your body is teaching you. Look outward for inspiration from the world, the Guru can take the form of something you learn from another person or experience, but do not mistake the individual you learn something from for the Guru. The Guru is everywhere in everything. My teachers say, if someone tells you they are your Guru, then run away screaming. You are your own teacher, learn from yourself and find out what your body is trying to tell you about the stuck places and energy you find in your practice.
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Worked with partners to massage the wrists before arm balances
Handstand at the wall with feet on the wall, then handstand at the wall kickup up to the wall
Vasisthasina, practice with kickstand to get the hips high
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Centering, face the mirror
Cat/Cow - Downdog - Vinyasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Pvakonasana - Warrior II - Reverse Warrior
Trikonasana - Ardha Chandrasana
Malasana - Bakasana - jump back to plank
Worked with partners to massage the wrists before arm balances
Handstand at the wall with feet on the wall, then handstand at the wall kickup up to the wall
Vasisthasina, practice with kickstand to get the hips high
Succirandrasana - eye of the needle
Monday, December 12, 2011
Lunar Eclipse - Concealing and Revealing our Divine Nature
Just as the light of the moon is obscured during an eclipse, so the light of our hearts sometimes are eclipsed until we come to the mat and work out the stuck energy and places in our bodies. We do our practice to clear the dust from the mirror of our being so the light can shine through brightly.
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Thigh Stretch
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twisted Thigh Stretch
Uttkatasana - Standing Shalabhasana/twist to each side - Forward Bend
Handstand at the Wall (walk feet from downdog up the wall one at a time)
Vasisthasana, demo kickstand
Child's pose
Natarajasana with partner and a strap
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Happy Baby/Savasana
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Thigh Stretch
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge Twisted Thigh Stretch
Uttkatasana - Standing Shalabhasana/twist to each side - Forward Bend
Handstand at the Wall (walk feet from downdog up the wall one at a time)
Vasisthasana, demo kickstand
Child's pose
Natarajasana with partner and a strap
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Happy Baby/Savasana
Monday, December 5, 2011
Sat Chit Ananda
Centering/Invocation - Sat Chit Ananda
Surya Namaskar
Vinyasa x 3 (sphinx w/ Thigh Stretch, shalabhasana, dhanurasana)
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana with partners
Shoulder Stretch/Opener at the wall
Handstand at the Wall
Thigh Stretch at the wall
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Windshield Wiper Twist
Jathara Parivartanasana
Happy Baby
Surya Namaskar
Vinyasa x 3 (sphinx w/ Thigh Stretch, shalabhasana, dhanurasana)
Utkatasana - Vrksasana - Padangusthasana with partners
Shoulder Stretch/Opener at the wall
Handstand at the Wall
Thigh Stretch at the wall
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Windshield Wiper Twist
Jathara Parivartanasana
Happy Baby
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Arjuna and the Song of God
Bhagavad Gita or Song of God is conversation between Krishna and
Arjuna about right and wrong.
War in the story represents the inner world and the soul struggling
with its purpose
Introduce skull loop, press back of head back into your hands then
level the gaze. Centering, think about five principles.
Tadasana/Uttanansana/Dowdog - 5 principles engaging in all poses
Chatturanga Vinyasa - one for each pandava brother
Plank - knee to nose six times on each leg, for the 12 years of exile
Childs pose for last year in hiding. Pandavas tricked by cousins the
Kauravas into gambling away their kingdom for 13 years.
Surya Namaskar - Warrior I/Pvottanasana/Warrior Seal - Arjuna the
warrior tells his brother in law Krishna he wants to give up the
SN - Pvakonasana/Warrior II/Reverse Warrior - Krishna reveals himself
as the divine and demands that Arjuna fight
SN - High Lunge/Utkatasana Twist/Warrior III - Arjuna decides to fight
HL - twist- revolved - on the 13th day of battle arjunas son abhimanya
is killed in chariot battle by the evil king jayadratha's forces.
They violate rules of war by luring him into a trap, disarming him and
smashing his skull while he's on the ground. He kills many kaurava's
before he is slain.
Padottansana/Star - Arjuna cannot reach Jayadratha because he hides
behind his army. Krishna summons nightfall, calling on the forces of
the stars and moon to darken the sky.
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana - Krishna finishes using yoga powers to
invoice darkness so days battle will end and lure Jayadratha will be
lured out.
Hanumanasana - Krishna tells Arjuna to use his passion and anger to
overcome Jayadratha...not to check out emotionally. Connect to your
body and your tight hamstrings. Feel your embodiment for better or
worse. In protecting your family, friends, and community, engage
deeply when you are uncomfortable.
Supta Padangusthasana
Arjuna about right and wrong.
War in the story represents the inner world and the soul struggling
with its purpose
Introduce skull loop, press back of head back into your hands then
level the gaze. Centering, think about five principles.
Tadasana/Uttanansana/Dowdog - 5 principles engaging in all poses
Chatturanga Vinyasa - one for each pandava brother
Plank - knee to nose six times on each leg, for the 12 years of exile
Childs pose for last year in hiding. Pandavas tricked by cousins the
Kauravas into gambling away their kingdom for 13 years.
Surya Namaskar - Warrior I/Pvottanasana/Warrior Seal - Arjuna the
warrior tells his brother in law Krishna he wants to give up the
SN - Pvakonasana/Warrior II/Reverse Warrior - Krishna reveals himself
as the divine and demands that Arjuna fight
SN - High Lunge/Utkatasana Twist/Warrior III - Arjuna decides to fight
HL - twist- revolved - on the 13th day of battle arjunas son abhimanya
is killed in chariot battle by the evil king jayadratha's forces.
They violate rules of war by luring him into a trap, disarming him and
smashing his skull while he's on the ground. He kills many kaurava's
before he is slain.
Padottansana/Star - Arjuna cannot reach Jayadratha because he hides
behind his army. Krishna summons nightfall, calling on the forces of
the stars and moon to darken the sky.
Trikonasana/Ardha Chandrasana - Krishna finishes using yoga powers to
invoice darkness so days battle will end and lure Jayadratha will be
lured out.
Hanumanasana - Krishna tells Arjuna to use his passion and anger to
overcome Jayadratha...not to check out emotionally. Connect to your
body and your tight hamstrings. Feel your embodiment for better or
worse. In protecting your family, friends, and community, engage
deeply when you are uncomfortable.
Supta Padangusthasana
Sunday, November 13, 2011
Krishna, the Demon Slayer
Show shoulder loop, lift shoulders up towards ears so edges of shoulders level with base of the neck. Draw shoulder blades down the back then widen the heart/shoulders apart. Use this in every pose you do today.
8th incarnation of Vishnu
Embodiment of love and divine joy
Born to Devaki, daughter of the cruel demon king Kamsa
Prophecy held that Kamsa would be killed by his nephew so he slew all of them at birth
Krishna was the 7th boy born to his mother but escaped when she swapped him with a cowherds daughter
Cat/Cow - grew up as a cowherd
Chaturanga Vinyasa x5 - one for each of Kaliya's heads, the giant serpent who poisoned the holy river Yamuna
Vrksasana - climbed out on a limb to get ball that fell in the river, jumped onto Kaliya's head and danced until he tired of fighting
Natarajasana - Barn Dance with the milkmaids, the divine dances with everyone
Cobra pose - demon king sends 5 demons to defeat Krishna - Aghasura was another giant serpent who pretended to be a cave
Shiva Twists - whirlwind demon Trinivata, krishna became too large for him to hold up and he crashed
Malasana/Bakasana - Bakasura the crane, krishma pulled off his beak
Plank/Cow/Gomukasana - demon disguised as calf named Vatasura came to get him. He threw it into a tree.
Ustrasana - the monsterous horse Keshisura, he stuck his hand in its throat and expanded it, choking him, expand your heart like Krishas hand is inside expanding there.
Downdog/Uttanasana/Tadasana - with arms outstretched overhead - Krishna taught the cowherds to stop giving sacrifice to Indra, held a mountain overhead to protect them from storms
Virasana - nadi shodana, breathing into body like a flute
Dolphin with assistant and Peacock pose at the wall
Spadog and child's pose with partner rooting hips
Navasana - Krishma and Radha in the boat, restores great uncle to power and meets Arjuna
8th incarnation of Vishnu
Embodiment of love and divine joy
Born to Devaki, daughter of the cruel demon king Kamsa
Prophecy held that Kamsa would be killed by his nephew so he slew all of them at birth
Krishna was the 7th boy born to his mother but escaped when she swapped him with a cowherds daughter
Cat/Cow - grew up as a cowherd
Chaturanga Vinyasa x5 - one for each of Kaliya's heads, the giant serpent who poisoned the holy river Yamuna
Vrksasana - climbed out on a limb to get ball that fell in the river, jumped onto Kaliya's head and danced until he tired of fighting
Natarajasana - Barn Dance with the milkmaids, the divine dances with everyone
Cobra pose - demon king sends 5 demons to defeat Krishna - Aghasura was another giant serpent who pretended to be a cave
Shiva Twists - whirlwind demon Trinivata, krishna became too large for him to hold up and he crashed
Malasana/Bakasana - Bakasura the crane, krishma pulled off his beak
Plank/Cow/Gomukasana - demon disguised as calf named Vatasura came to get him. He threw it into a tree.
Ustrasana - the monsterous horse Keshisura, he stuck his hand in its throat and expanded it, choking him, expand your heart like Krishas hand is inside expanding there.
Downdog/Uttanasana/Tadasana - with arms outstretched overhead - Krishna taught the cowherds to stop giving sacrifice to Indra, held a mountain overhead to protect them from storms
Virasana - nadi shodana, breathing into body like a flute
Dolphin with assistant and Peacock pose at the wall
Spadog and child's pose with partner rooting hips
Navasana - Krishma and Radha in the boat, restores great uncle to power and meets Arjuna
Monday, November 7, 2011
Vishnu, the Force of Preservation
Show Kidney Loop and puffing up the kidneys - breath into kidneys with the partner at start of class.
Talk about how Vishnu is the preserver and takes many forms. Mention that one of those Avatars is Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita which we will discuss all of November.
Chatturanga Vinyasa x 10 for the 10 avatars of Vishnu
Lion's Breath - Narasimha, the half lion who defeats Hiranyahashapu
Cat/Cow - Krishna turn from lion into cowherder
Warrior I/Prvottanasana/Bow - Rama the warrior who defeats Raavana
Garudhasana - Eagle pose, as Vishnu rides a giant eagle sometimes
Natarajasana w/strap - Krishna dances in the field with the cowgirls
Sphinx with thigh stretch on each side
Bow pose, roll over onto each side
Setubhanda Sarvangasana and try bridge
Urdhva Dhanurasana with partner and then by self
Cobra with knees bent with partner
Spadog with partner
uttansana and Shivasana
Talk about how Vishnu is the preserver and takes many forms. Mention that one of those Avatars is Krishna from the Bhagavad Gita which we will discuss all of November.
Chatturanga Vinyasa x 10 for the 10 avatars of Vishnu
Lion's Breath - Narasimha, the half lion who defeats Hiranyahashapu
Cat/Cow - Krishna turn from lion into cowherder
Warrior I/Prvottanasana/Bow - Rama the warrior who defeats Raavana
Garudhasana - Eagle pose, as Vishnu rides a giant eagle sometimes
Natarajasana w/strap - Krishna dances in the field with the cowgirls
Sphinx with thigh stretch on each side
Bow pose, roll over onto each side
Setubhanda Sarvangasana and try bridge
Urdhva Dhanurasana with partner and then by self
Cobra with knees bent with partner
Spadog with partner
uttansana and Shivasana
Monday, October 31, 2011
Kali, Shiva, and Raktabija
Halloween story of Kali. The god's city is in trouble. Raktabija the blood demon and his army are marching on the city and each time Raktabija is cut, his drops of blood turn into more demons. They ask Parvati and Shiva to release Shakti to create Kali. Kali is like the incredible hulk, once she is turned loose she devours the blood of the demon, but she can't stop herself and begins attacking friend and foe alike. Shiva lies on the battlefield, pretending to be a corpse and when she steps on him he grounds her wild energy down into the earth so she can return to her clear, peaceful form as Parvati.
Meditation and centering: Imagine your thoughts as they arise as a ticker tape running from right to left and the thoughts you have just imprint on the tape and it runs off the the left to be burned and consumed in a fire. Let the thoughts just arise as pass and acknowledge them as they are. Let the fire cleanse them so they can find a more auspicious form.
Tantra yogi's viewed the thoughts as just mental residue floating in the ocean of conscious. Thoughts are the most transitory part of your being. Let those that don't serve you or cause distress float away. We'll do the meditation after we do some handstands and inversion and stir up some wild chaotic kali energy, then use the meditation to ground that energy back down into the earth.
Surya Namaskar A - focusing on proper alignment rising up into cobra
Surya Namaskar A - focusing on proper alignment rising up in plank and to downdog
Surya Namaskar B - Warrior II - focusing on alignment of the knees
Utkatasana - focusing on alignment of the knees
Partner pose, dolphin at the wall, with partner standing at wall pressing knees into back of heart to encourage heart opening
Partner pose, peacock using blocks for ideal hand distance, partner holding hips at the wall to help you kick up
Partner pose, handstand in the middle of the room with partner supporting hips and helping you kick up
Child's pose
Seated meditation to ground any energy that arose during the heating/inversions
Virasana with a blanket rolled under the thighs to encourage healthy knees
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Supine Windshield Wiper pose
Jathara Parivartanasana
Supported Bridge with block under sacrum to ground the energy down into the earth, cooling pose
Meditation and centering: Imagine your thoughts as they arise as a ticker tape running from right to left and the thoughts you have just imprint on the tape and it runs off the the left to be burned and consumed in a fire. Let the thoughts just arise as pass and acknowledge them as they are. Let the fire cleanse them so they can find a more auspicious form.
Tantra yogi's viewed the thoughts as just mental residue floating in the ocean of conscious. Thoughts are the most transitory part of your being. Let those that don't serve you or cause distress float away. We'll do the meditation after we do some handstands and inversion and stir up some wild chaotic kali energy, then use the meditation to ground that energy back down into the earth.
Surya Namaskar A - focusing on proper alignment rising up into cobra
Surya Namaskar A - focusing on proper alignment rising up in plank and to downdog
Surya Namaskar B - Warrior II - focusing on alignment of the knees
Utkatasana - focusing on alignment of the knees
Partner pose, dolphin at the wall, with partner standing at wall pressing knees into back of heart to encourage heart opening
Partner pose, peacock using blocks for ideal hand distance, partner holding hips at the wall to help you kick up
Partner pose, handstand in the middle of the room with partner supporting hips and helping you kick up
Child's pose
Seated meditation to ground any energy that arose during the heating/inversions
Virasana with a blanket rolled under the thighs to encourage healthy knees
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Supine Windshield Wiper pose
Jathara Parivartanasana
Supported Bridge with block under sacrum to ground the energy down into the earth, cooling pose
Sunday, October 9, 2011
Ganesh, Obstacles and Inner Strength
Ganesh is the lord of beginnings and overcoming obstacles.
Tell Story of how he got his elephant head...
+he is the scribe that writes with his tusks
+he dances over a rat representing obstacles...can we view our
obstacles as rats (our fear is internal)
=use visualization to shift perception of obstacles
=use visualization to see past obstacles as doorways to your present success
=use visualization to empower yourself in a difficult pose, hold the
image of the elephant in mind to gain its strength
Cat/Cow - raise your elephant trunk up (make your obstacle like a rat
and dance over it)
SN - LL - life tusks up - iguana (iguanas eat rats)
SN - Pvakon - WII - Rev
SN - HL - twist
WLFB - Trikon - AC
Demo - Elephant with Blocks
Self - Setubanda Sarvangasana (urdhva prep)
Partner - Urdhva Dhanurasana holding ankles - strength of elephant visualization
Uttanasana - Downdog - Core work knee to nose
Eye of the Needle - difficulty was doorway to another experience
Tell Story of how he got his elephant head...
+he is the scribe that writes with his tusks
+he dances over a rat representing obstacles...can we view our
obstacles as rats (our fear is internal)
=use visualization to shift perception of obstacles
=use visualization to see past obstacles as doorways to your present success
=use visualization to empower yourself in a difficult pose, hold the
image of the elephant in mind to gain its strength
Cat/Cow - raise your elephant trunk up (make your obstacle like a rat
and dance over it)
SN - LL - life tusks up - iguana (iguanas eat rats)
SN - Pvakon - WII - Rev
SN - HL - twist
WLFB - Trikon - AC
Demo - Elephant with Blocks
Self - Setubanda Sarvangasana (urdhva prep)
Partner - Urdhva Dhanurasana holding ankles - strength of elephant visualization
Uttanasana - Downdog - Core work knee to nose
Eye of the Needle - difficulty was doorway to another experience
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Sub for Gentle Yoga Class: Ganesh Lord of Obstacles
See problems like a rat, not that scary...joyfully dance over it.
Cat Cow - child
Google Hips - FB
Firelog - FB
Supta Padangustasana - strap
Windshield Wipers
Jathara Parivartanasana
Supported Bridge - Block
Cat Cow - child
Google Hips - FB
Firelog - FB
Supta Padangustasana - strap
Windshield Wipers
Jathara Parivartanasana
Supported Bridge - Block
Monday, October 3, 2011
Organic Extension - Root to Rise
SNA x3
SNB - HL - Warrior III - shalabhasana clasp
SNB - Pvakonasana - locust superman
Partner - Vrksasana - Utkatasana - Natarajasana
Partner - Ustrasana rooting thighs
Partner - Dhanurasana rooting feet
Thigh Stretch at the wall, both sides
Cobra at wall to clear back then Spa Dog
Virasana - nadhi shodhana
SNA x3
SNB - HL - Warrior III - shalabhasana clasp
SNB - Pvakonasana - locust superman
Partner - Vrksasana - Utkatasana - Natarajasana
Partner - Ustrasana rooting thighs
Partner - Dhanurasana rooting feet
Thigh Stretch at the wall, both sides
Cobra at wall to clear back then Spa Dog
Virasana - nadhi shodhana
Monday, September 26, 2011
Compassion - Balanced Action (Inner/Outer Spiral)
Tadasana w/ Block
SNA w/ Block
SN HL - Pvak - Warrior II - cobra
SN LL - iguana - shalabasana
SN pigeon - dhanurasana
Utkatasana/Vrksasana - inner spiral first by self then with partner
Natarajasana w/ strap + partner
Setubanda Sarvangasana w/block
Urdhva Dhanurasana w/block
WLFB - pvottanasana both sides
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
SNA w/ Block
SN HL - Pvak - Warrior II - cobra
SN LL - iguana - shalabasana
SN pigeon - dhanurasana
Utkatasana/Vrksasana - inner spiral first by self then with partner
Natarajasana w/ strap + partner
Setubanda Sarvangasana w/block
Urdhva Dhanurasana w/block
WLFB - pvottanasana both sides
Supta Padangusthasana
Eye of the Needle
Monday, September 19, 2011
Muscle Energy - Hugging In to Expand Muscles on the Loom of Creation
Muscle Energy hugs in to protect the body like armor
2. An engaged muscle is safe to stretch
3. Tantra means to weave like fabric on the loom, like the muscles on
the bone, like the Kula or community of the heart
SNA - engaging ME throughout the sequence - low cobra
SN - pvakon - warrior II - rev warrior - dhanurasana hug into midline
SN - lunge/twist - quad stretch - iguana - shalabhasana
SN - low lunge - twist - lift back leg - dhanurasana roll over onto each side
Utkatasana - Squat in Malasana, Bakasana prep (full expression, level 2)
Partner pose - Vrksasana hands clasped
Partner pose - Padangusthasana - leg forward then to the side
Demo Wall pose - Shoulder stretch and thigh stretch at the wall
Gomukhasana - class requested hip opener
Engage all muscles hug into the midline before final relaxation
2. An engaged muscle is safe to stretch
3. Tantra means to weave like fabric on the loom, like the muscles on
the bone, like the Kula or community of the heart
SNA - engaging ME throughout the sequence - low cobra
SN - pvakon - warrior II - rev warrior - dhanurasana hug into midline
SN - lunge/twist - quad stretch - iguana - shalabhasana
SN - low lunge - twist - lift back leg - dhanurasana roll over onto each side
Utkatasana - Squat in Malasana, Bakasana prep (full expression, level 2)
Partner pose - Vrksasana hands clasped
Partner pose - Padangusthasana - leg forward then to the side
Demo Wall pose - Shoulder stretch and thigh stretch at the wall
Gomukhasana - class requested hip opener
Engage all muscles hug into the midline before final relaxation
Monday, September 12, 2011
First Ayuh Yoga Class (Patriot Day, 2011) Open To Grace
Get a strap and a block
Shoulder stretches with strap in Tadasana
Surya Namaskar A - Straight Arms, low cobra
Surya Namaskar B - Bent Arms, drunken cobra
SN Virabhadrasana II - Pvakonasana - Trikonasana - Wide Armed Cobra
SN (Dolphin Bunny hop both sides) Virabhadrasana I - Parsvottanasana -
Parivrtta Trikonasana - Dhanurasana
Partner - Bhujangasana - opening the heart
Partner - Pincha Mayurasana
Demo - Ustrasana
Setubhanda Sarvangasana
Urdhva Dhanursana - lift leg one at a time
Iguana - Pigeon - Hanumanasana
Gomukhasana - disco dance around - uttanasana
Malasana - roll onto back - cooling breath
Setubhanda sarvangasana supported on block
Shoulder stretches with strap in Tadasana
Surya Namaskar A - Straight Arms, low cobra
Surya Namaskar B - Bent Arms, drunken cobra
SN Virabhadrasana II - Pvakonasana - Trikonasana - Wide Armed Cobra
SN (Dolphin Bunny hop both sides) Virabhadrasana I - Parsvottanasana -
Parivrtta Trikonasana - Dhanurasana
Partner - Bhujangasana - opening the heart
Partner - Pincha Mayurasana
Demo - Ustrasana
Setubhanda Sarvangasana
Urdhva Dhanursana - lift leg one at a time
Iguana - Pigeon - Hanumanasana
Gomukhasana - disco dance around - uttanasana
Malasana - roll onto back - cooling breath
Setubhanda sarvangasana supported on block
Monday, July 25, 2011
Surya Namaskar - Giving Your Energy Freely without Asking Anything in Return
Surya Namaskar A
Surya Namaskar B
SN - Warrior I - Pvottanasana
SN - Warrior II - Trikonasana
SN - Warrior III - Standing Splits
SN - Anjaneyasana - Twist
SN - Pvakonasana - Clasp Twist
SN - Hanumanasana - bow forward
SN - Hanumanasana - hands on hips
SN - Hanumanasana - arms up
SN - Bakasana
SN - Ardha Bakasana
SN - Hold Chatturanga - roll over onto back for Sivasana
Surya Namaskar B
SN - Warrior I - Pvottanasana
SN - Warrior II - Trikonasana
SN - Warrior III - Standing Splits
SN - Anjaneyasana - Twist
SN - Pvakonasana - Clasp Twist
SN - Hanumanasana - bow forward
SN - Hanumanasana - hands on hips
SN - Hanumanasana - arms up
SN - Bakasana
SN - Ardha Bakasana
SN - Hold Chatturanga - roll over onto back for Sivasana
Monday, July 18, 2011
Alternating arms and legs
Downdog - cycle with breath - hips open to each side
3 Chatturanga Vinyasas - cobra, then one legged cobra each side
Surya Namaskar - Pvottanasana - Warrior III - Standing Splits
Handstand L at the Wall
Handstand L at Wall with Partner open to hanumanasana
Come to Uttanasana and partner supports back leg in standing splits
Ardha Hanumansana
Hanumanasana on blanket to expand out
Janu Sirsasana
Setubandha Sarvangasana - lift the leg
Urdhva Dhanurasana - lift the leg
Supta Padangustasana - open to each side
Alternating arms and legs
Downdog - cycle with breath - hips open to each side
3 Chatturanga Vinyasas - cobra, then one legged cobra each side
Surya Namaskar - Pvottanasana - Warrior III - Standing Splits
Handstand L at the Wall
Handstand L at Wall with Partner open to hanumanasana
Come to Uttanasana and partner supports back leg in standing splits
Ardha Hanumansana
Hanumanasana on blanket to expand out
Janu Sirsasana
Setubandha Sarvangasana - lift the leg
Urdhva Dhanurasana - lift the leg
Supta Padangustasana - open to each side
Monday, July 11, 2011
Kali, Shiva, and Raktabija
Surya Namaskar x LL - cobra
Surya Namaskar x LL twist - drunken cobra
Surya Namaskar x LL twist, rise up to HL - wide armed cobra
Vrksasana, arms in AM then up overhead
UHP leg forward the out to the side
Shoulder opening exercise at the wall
Demo - Handstand at the wall in L pose
Partner - Handstand at the wall in L pose (try lifting one leg at a time level II) -partner supports your heart
Rest in Child's pose
Virasana with Blanket roll
Iguana - Pigeon - Hanumanasana
Uttanasana - clasp then Sivasana
Surya Namaskar x LL twist - drunken cobra
Surya Namaskar x LL twist, rise up to HL - wide armed cobra
Vrksasana, arms in AM then up overhead
UHP leg forward the out to the side
Shoulder opening exercise at the wall
Demo - Handstand at the wall in L pose
Partner - Handstand at the wall in L pose (try lifting one leg at a time level II) -partner supports your heart
Rest in Child's pose
Virasana with Blanket roll
Iguana - Pigeon - Hanumanasana
Uttanasana - clasp then Sivasana
Revealing Your Inner Beauty - OTG
First Demo Class at Ayuh Yoga
SN Pvakon - WII - Rev - Trikon - Ardha Chandrasana
SN WI - Pvottanasana - Rev Trikon
Utkatasana - Malasana - Bakasana
Vasisthasina (demo kickstand) - WT option
Setubanda Sarvangasana - lift leg
Supta Padangusthasana
HB - Sivasana
SN Pvakon - WII - Rev - Trikon - Ardha Chandrasana
SN WI - Pvottanasana - Rev Trikon
Utkatasana - Malasana - Bakasana
Vasisthasina (demo kickstand) - WT option
Setubanda Sarvangasana - lift leg
Supta Padangusthasana
HB - Sivasana
Monday, June 27, 2011
Satya - Truth (one year anniversary teaching at the Y)
SN - HL twist
Vinyasa - 8 point - dhanurasana - one legged cobra through to cobra and standing splits
Padottanasana - pvakon - virab II - trikon - AC
Padottanasana w/ clasp
Handstand at the wall
Vasisthasina open your heart
Wild Thing or padangusthasana in Vasisthasian
SN - HL twist
Vinyasa - 8 point - dhanurasana - one legged cobra through to cobra and standing splits
Padottanasana - pvakon - virab II - trikon - AC
Padottanasana w/ clasp
Handstand at the wall
Vasisthasina open your heart
Wild Thing or padangusthasana in Vasisthasian
Monday, June 20, 2011
Swatantriya - The Dynamically Free Nature of the Universe
SN - Anjaney/twist- Low Cobra
SN - Anjaney/thigh stretch - Drunken Cobra
SN - LL/twist+thigh stretch - Wide armed Cobra
SN - LL/Iguana/ardha hanumanasana
Lion stretch for wrists
Come to knees and gate pose both sides
Handstand with one partner in center of room
Vasisthasana - demo to show wildthing
Vasisthasana - kickstand, one leg (option lift leg up/bend knee) wild thing
Setubanda Sarvangasana, hands at wall urdhva dhanurasana option
Supta Padangusthasana/Happy Baby
SN - Anjaney/thigh stretch - Drunken Cobra
SN - LL/twist+thigh stretch - Wide armed Cobra
SN - LL/Iguana/ardha hanumanasana
Lion stretch for wrists
Come to knees and gate pose both sides
Handstand with one partner in center of room
Vasisthasana - demo to show wildthing
Vasisthasana - kickstand, one leg (option lift leg up/bend knee) wild thing
Setubanda Sarvangasana, hands at wall urdhva dhanurasana option
Supta Padangusthasana/Happy Baby
Monday, June 13, 2011
Sri Goggles: Learning to see the Diversity and Beauty Manifest in the Supreme
Utkatasana Viagra Pada paws - SN - LL - dhanurasana ankles
Utkatasana - SN - HL - dhanrurasana feet roll both sides
Utkat - SN - LL Anjaney - dhanurasana inside of feet
Utkat - SN - LL twist - clasp hands for locust
Utkat - SN - Iguana - locust with arms forward
Lion wrist stretch - stand on hands
Vasisthasina prep - table top
Partner - Handstand
Demo - Vasisthasina 3 variations
Vasisthasina kickstand, regular, extended leg
Setubanda Sarvangasana
Demo - Urdhva Dhan going up to head
Supta Padangusthasana
Happy Baby
Utkatasana - SN - HL - dhanrurasana feet roll both sides
Utkat - SN - LL Anjaney - dhanurasana inside of feet
Utkat - SN - LL twist - clasp hands for locust
Utkat - SN - Iguana - locust with arms forward
Lion wrist stretch - stand on hands
Vasisthasina prep - table top
Partner - Handstand
Demo - Vasisthasina 3 variations
Vasisthasina kickstand, regular, extended leg
Setubanda Sarvangasana
Demo - Urdhva Dhan going up to head
Supta Padangusthasana
Happy Baby
Monday, June 6, 2011
Qualities of the Supreme: The Big "S" Self
Big S Self - the physical world is like a frozen ocean of
consciousness. We are the waves, separate and distinct yet still a
part of the whole. Over the next month we will talk about three of
the qualities of divine conscousness...Shri, Swatantrya, and Satya.
Beauty, Freedom, and Truth. We want to warm the frozen ocean with our
practice to create space for the Shakti to flow through us and align
us more fully with the greater divine self.
Uttanasana - CV
LL/Arm Up/Trikon/Ardha Chandra/Standing Splits
Pvott/PTrikon - CV
LL twist forearm/Hanumanasana - CV
Lion Pose - turn wrists out for stretch
Uttanasana - standing on hands
Partner Pose - massaging wrists
Vasisthasana - Demo/Self
Hand Stand at the wall
Child's pose - root down and create space
Thigh Stretch at the Wall
SI cobra at the wall
consciousness. We are the waves, separate and distinct yet still a
part of the whole. Over the next month we will talk about three of
the qualities of divine conscousness...Shri, Swatantrya, and Satya.
Beauty, Freedom, and Truth. We want to warm the frozen ocean with our
practice to create space for the Shakti to flow through us and align
us more fully with the greater divine self.
Uttanasana - CV
LL/Arm Up/Trikon/Ardha Chandra/Standing Splits
Pvott/PTrikon - CV
LL twist forearm/Hanumanasana - CV
Lion Pose - turn wrists out for stretch
Uttanasana - standing on hands
Partner Pose - massaging wrists
Vasisthasana - Demo/Self
Hand Stand at the wall
Child's pose - root down and create space
Thigh Stretch at the Wall
SI cobra at the wall
Monday, May 9, 2011
Lila: Divine Creative Play
Theme: Talk about what role we play in the universe. Lila or divine creative play is why we are embodied. We thank our mothers for giving us the gift of embodiment.
Comfortable Seat on blanket, widen pelvis
Inhale arms up to anjali mudra, reverse
Cactus Arms, in/out, rotate, in out
Overhead, clasp fingers and stretch, roll, bend, pull, shake
Garudhasana arms/tea gloves
All Fours, forearms, lift hands drop head
Cat/Cow, alternating arms, then arms & legs
All Fours, twist and thread
Google Hips, kneeling Pvakon, iguana low squat
Downdog, knees down and wide, reach forward
Warrior II, pvakon, archer
Google Hips standing, then WLFB, root and rise
Goddess Squat, turn open to each side
Warrior II bend knees root and rise
WLFB Seated
Janu Sirsasana
Hand on back/elbow
Lay on side
Comfortable Seat on blanket, widen pelvis
Inhale arms up to anjali mudra, reverse
Cactus Arms, in/out, rotate, in out
Overhead, clasp fingers and stretch, roll, bend, pull, shake
Garudhasana arms/tea gloves
All Fours, forearms, lift hands drop head
Cat/Cow, alternating arms, then arms & legs
All Fours, twist and thread
Google Hips, kneeling Pvakon, iguana low squat
Downdog, knees down and wide, reach forward
Warrior II, pvakon, archer
Google Hips standing, then WLFB, root and rise
Goddess Squat, turn open to each side
Warrior II bend knees root and rise
WLFB Seated
Janu Sirsasana
Hand on back/elbow
Lay on side
Monday, May 2, 2011
Matsyendara - When Inauspicious Things are a Gateway to the Divine
Matsyendra is a legendary tantric sage. The legend of his life is
that he was cast into the sea at birth because of inauspicious birth
and lived in the belly of a fish that swallowed him. While in the
belly he overheard Shiva and Parvati in their undersea base practicing
yoga so he learned it over the next 12 years. Eventually he escaped
when he mastered yoga. So there are a lot of layers here, but
basically the message is about transformation.
Matsyendra's inauspicious birth was a gateway to his later becoming a founding tantra yogi. Talk about Tantra meaning weaving, leading with the heart through life.
Focus on side body long and skull loop
Surya Namaskar (LL Twist/HL Twist/Rev Trikon)
Chaturanga Vinyasa x12 (for the 12 years Mastyendra spent in the fish's belly)
Ardha Bakasana (level 2 Koundinyasana)
Dolphin with block Headstand prep (level 2 headstand)
Downdog Twist
Cross pose (fallen warrior)
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Setubanda Sarvangasana supported with Block
that he was cast into the sea at birth because of inauspicious birth
and lived in the belly of a fish that swallowed him. While in the
belly he overheard Shiva and Parvati in their undersea base practicing
yoga so he learned it over the next 12 years. Eventually he escaped
when he mastered yoga. So there are a lot of layers here, but
basically the message is about transformation.
Matsyendra's inauspicious birth was a gateway to his later becoming a founding tantra yogi. Talk about Tantra meaning weaving, leading with the heart through life.
Focus on side body long and skull loop
Surya Namaskar (LL Twist/HL Twist/Rev Trikon)
Chaturanga Vinyasa x12 (for the 12 years Mastyendra spent in the fish's belly)
Ardha Bakasana (level 2 Koundinyasana)
Dolphin with block Headstand prep (level 2 headstand)
Downdog Twist
Cross pose (fallen warrior)
Ardha Matsyendrasana
Setubanda Sarvangasana supported with Block
Monday, April 25, 2011
Focus - open heart (review from last week), start to work with skull
loop a little (revisit next week in Matsyasana)
Surya Namaskar x3 (locust, flying cobra, dhanurasana)
Handstand prep at the wall (hop like a bunny)
Handstand in L at the wall (lift your rabbit ears up one at a time)
Partner opening heart in dolphin
Dolphin pressing head into block for headstand prep
Pincha Mayurasana with block at the wall
Headstand for those its appropriate for
Thigh Stretch at the wall (goddess Ostra?, Anglo Saxon Goddess of the
Dawn and Love).
Hanumanasana to Iguana and bow forward at the wall
Urdhava Dhanurasana holding partners ankles
Urdhava Dhanurasana with palms on the wall
Urdhava Dhanurasana with toes on the wall (level 2 step up, level 3
over to Uttanasana)
Partner stretch spa dog
Bridge, Shoulderstand
Seated in Circle - Ohm Meditation
Focus - open heart (review from last week), start to work with skull
loop a little (revisit next week in Matsyasana)
Surya Namaskar x3 (locust, flying cobra, dhanurasana)
Handstand prep at the wall (hop like a bunny)
Handstand in L at the wall (lift your rabbit ears up one at a time)
Partner opening heart in dolphin
Dolphin pressing head into block for headstand prep
Pincha Mayurasana with block at the wall
Headstand for those its appropriate for
Thigh Stretch at the wall (goddess Ostra?, Anglo Saxon Goddess of the
Dawn and Love).
Hanumanasana to Iguana and bow forward at the wall
Urdhava Dhanurasana holding partners ankles
Urdhava Dhanurasana with palms on the wall
Urdhava Dhanurasana with toes on the wall (level 2 step up, level 3
over to Uttanasana)
Partner stretch spa dog
Bridge, Shoulderstand
Seated in Circle - Ohm Meditation
Monday, April 18, 2011
Hanuman: The Diving Supporting Us
Theme: Hanuman
Action: Heart Opening
Talked about divine manifesting as Hanuman, a supporting character. Hanuman forgets divinity until he is reminded of his power, much like us in our yoga practice. The divine is never not supporting us, referencing invocation.
Surya Namaskar x4
Handstand Prep
Handstand at wall
Dolphin, partner opening heart
Pincha Mayurasana
WLFB - Trikonasana - Pvakon - Ardha Chandrasana
Action: Heart Opening
Talked about divine manifesting as Hanuman, a supporting character. Hanuman forgets divinity until he is reminded of his power, much like us in our yoga practice. The divine is never not supporting us, referencing invocation.
Surya Namaskar x4
Handstand Prep
Handstand at wall
Dolphin, partner opening heart
Pincha Mayurasana
WLFB - Trikonasana - Pvakon - Ardha Chandrasana
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Shiva Nataraja
Shiva's dance of bliss, ring of fire around him is Shakti, the universe as manifest energy. He dances blissfully through all adversity and difficulty. Shakti is the universe in motion, wild and dynamic. Shiva is the universe in balance, poised, and peaceful.
Surya Namaskar x3 - focus on opening to grace, finding the bliss in the fire
Practice Kicking up to handstand
Pincha Mayurasana
dolpin partner pose with knees in back of partners heart
Thigh Stretch at the Wall...shoulder stretch at the wall
Vasisthasana/Wild Thing
Virasana bowing forward
Natarajasana with Partner, then Urdhva demo
Setubanda Sarvangasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana x3
Surya Namaskar x3 - focus on opening to grace, finding the bliss in the fire
Practice Kicking up to handstand
Pincha Mayurasana
dolpin partner pose with knees in back of partners heart
Thigh Stretch at the Wall...shoulder stretch at the wall
Vasisthasana/Wild Thing
Virasana bowing forward
Natarajasana with Partner, then Urdhva demo
Setubanda Sarvangasana
Urdhva Dhanurasana x3
Monday, April 4, 2011
Brahama, Vishnu, and Shiva
One year anniversary of my first class taught, so revisiting the theme of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva
Story of how what we want to create in our lives and what we want to preserve are sometimes apparently in opposition to one another. When we bring the heat and fire of our breath and practice we can mold the two together, forging a stronger self. The story of Brahma and Vishnu also reminds us that even gods are not all powerful. Only Shiva who realizes that he is one with all things and thus cannot be better than
others (as he is in essence contained and embodied in all things) has the power to manifest immeasurable power as the pillar of fire.
Heating Warrior Breath
Child’s pose (knees/quads) – Downdog (hips) – Uttanasna (calves/thighs) – Volcano (side stretch)
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to HL, Pvakon, Trikon, AC) press into friends palm for Pvakon
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to War I, Pvottanasana, PTrik, PAC) support friends in Pvottan
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to LL twist, HL,
Warrior III, Standing Splits) support friends in Warrior III
Star (hold), Padottanasana, forward bend
Volcano - half moon - bend back and bow forward
Vrksasana (supporting friends) Padangusthasana lift leg in front and hold 30 seconds, then out to side
Handstand with friends
Spa Dog
Hanumanasana, press into friends foot then pigeon
Firelog - Nadi Shodana
Supta Padangustasana
Eye of Needle
Happy Baby
Story of how what we want to create in our lives and what we want to preserve are sometimes apparently in opposition to one another. When we bring the heat and fire of our breath and practice we can mold the two together, forging a stronger self. The story of Brahma and Vishnu also reminds us that even gods are not all powerful. Only Shiva who realizes that he is one with all things and thus cannot be better than
others (as he is in essence contained and embodied in all things) has the power to manifest immeasurable power as the pillar of fire.
Heating Warrior Breath
Child’s pose (knees/quads) – Downdog (hips) – Uttanasna (calves/thighs) – Volcano (side stretch)
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to HL, Pvakon, Trikon, AC) press into friends palm for Pvakon
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to War I, Pvottanasana, PTrik, PAC) support friends in Pvottan
Surya Namaskar (lift leg open hips, step to LL twist, HL,
Warrior III, Standing Splits) support friends in Warrior III
Star (hold), Padottanasana, forward bend
Volcano - half moon - bend back and bow forward
Vrksasana (supporting friends) Padangusthasana lift leg in front and hold 30 seconds, then out to side
Handstand with friends
Spa Dog
Hanumanasana, press into friends foot then pigeon
Firelog - Nadi Shodana
Supta Padangustasana
Eye of Needle
Happy Baby
Monday, March 21, 2011
Durga: Uniting the Power of the Divine
1. Myths are stories with underlying truth
2. The story of shiva we talked about last week is a prehistoric story, probably not describing a real person, but likely based on some real group of people or describing a spiritual archetype. When we interpret myths we imagine we are all the characters in the story (clarifying this for a student who asked last week when Shiva lived historically).
3. Tantric philosophy dates to around 8-12th century CE, though the myth of Shiva is much older (shiva is a prehistoric proto-typical diety).
4. In the story of Durga, Mahishasura was a powerful demon who conquered Indra's army of gods in heaven. Since he couldn't be defeated by any man, the only thing that could save them was a woman who would fight him. The gods asked Shakti to manifest in a powerful form using all of their weapons and arms to fight Mahishasura. So she united all of their powers
5. In a modern context this relates to the idea of Kula. When we come together as a community we share our experience and ideas and are stronger and more intelligent. Also we take all of the great philosophical ideas and teachings we come across and integrate what works for us to create a stronger durga in ourselves. We use this invincible power to clear away the dust on the mirror of the demons who obscure our highest and best intentions (heaven) from us.
6. Durga is also a great example for discussion because our modern yoga practice is alot like her. Ancient yogis just had stories of Shiva and rituals, then around 8-9th century someone got around to writing down the tantric nterpretation and documenting some of the breathing and meditation exercises that were being practiced (also the idea of women practicing and teaching was common among the Tantric Shaivists). In the last hundred years the spiritual traditions of Hatha Yoga merged with popular gymnastics and other forms of exercise propagated throughout the world by the YMCA and other similar movements. Today what we call Yoga is a sort of Durga, a playful
expression of the divine, more powerful than any of its previous forms.
7. Students asked for twists so we're doing twists focusing on the principles we learned all this month and integrating them with the final principle, organic extension. Rooting to rise. Lengthening the spine to twist deeper.
Tadasana through vinyasa focusing on organic extension Cat/Cow then
tiger twisting stretches holding back leg, lion's breath (Durga rides
a tiger or lion, the shakti is powerful don't fall off the tiger)
Also focus in centering exercise on softening the back body, return to this throughout the class.
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge, turn to front leg, twist to other side,back to center standing splits...low cobra
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge, twist and come up to high lunge, open arms out to sky and floor...drunken cobra
Surya Namaskar - Pvakonasana, rise up to warrior II, reverse then bow and bind...wide armed cobra
Surya Namaskar - Warrior I, pvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana...updog
Shiva Twists
Utkatasana chair twists
Bird of Paradise
Malasana, Bakasana, Ardha Bakasana (talk about diversity and shri as strength of the community and each person having an individual expression of the pose)
Revolved Downward facing dog
Threading the needle sucirandrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana - half lord of the fishes
Jathara Parivartanasana bent legs/straight legs
Supta Matsyendrasana - knee down twists
Closing: Like Durga, we combine all of the best qualities in the people we admire. We bring together all the strengths we share as individuals in the community. When we come together with other like-minded beings there's nothing we can't accomplish.
2. The story of shiva we talked about last week is a prehistoric story, probably not describing a real person, but likely based on some real group of people or describing a spiritual archetype. When we interpret myths we imagine we are all the characters in the story (clarifying this for a student who asked last week when Shiva lived historically).
3. Tantric philosophy dates to around 8-12th century CE, though the myth of Shiva is much older (shiva is a prehistoric proto-typical diety).
4. In the story of Durga, Mahishasura was a powerful demon who conquered Indra's army of gods in heaven. Since he couldn't be defeated by any man, the only thing that could save them was a woman who would fight him. The gods asked Shakti to manifest in a powerful form using all of their weapons and arms to fight Mahishasura. So she united all of their powers
5. In a modern context this relates to the idea of Kula. When we come together as a community we share our experience and ideas and are stronger and more intelligent. Also we take all of the great philosophical ideas and teachings we come across and integrate what works for us to create a stronger durga in ourselves. We use this invincible power to clear away the dust on the mirror of the demons who obscure our highest and best intentions (heaven) from us.
6. Durga is also a great example for discussion because our modern yoga practice is alot like her. Ancient yogis just had stories of Shiva and rituals, then around 8-9th century someone got around to writing down the tantric nterpretation and documenting some of the breathing and meditation exercises that were being practiced (also the idea of women practicing and teaching was common among the Tantric Shaivists). In the last hundred years the spiritual traditions of Hatha Yoga merged with popular gymnastics and other forms of exercise propagated throughout the world by the YMCA and other similar movements. Today what we call Yoga is a sort of Durga, a playful
expression of the divine, more powerful than any of its previous forms.
7. Students asked for twists so we're doing twists focusing on the principles we learned all this month and integrating them with the final principle, organic extension. Rooting to rise. Lengthening the spine to twist deeper.
Tadasana through vinyasa focusing on organic extension Cat/Cow then
tiger twisting stretches holding back leg, lion's breath (Durga rides
a tiger or lion, the shakti is powerful don't fall off the tiger)
Also focus in centering exercise on softening the back body, return to this throughout the class.
Surya Namaskar - High Lunge, turn to front leg, twist to other side,back to center standing splits...low cobra
Surya Namaskar - Low Lunge, twist and come up to high lunge, open arms out to sky and floor...drunken cobra
Surya Namaskar - Pvakonasana, rise up to warrior II, reverse then bow and bind...wide armed cobra
Surya Namaskar - Warrior I, pvottanasana, parivrtta trikonasana, parivrtta ardha chandrasana...updog
Shiva Twists
Utkatasana chair twists
Bird of Paradise
Malasana, Bakasana, Ardha Bakasana (talk about diversity and shri as strength of the community and each person having an individual expression of the pose)
Revolved Downward facing dog
Threading the needle sucirandrasana
Ardha Matsyendrasana - half lord of the fishes
Jathara Parivartanasana bent legs/straight legs
Supta Matsyendrasana - knee down twists
Closing: Like Durga, we combine all of the best qualities in the people we admire. We bring together all the strengths we share as individuals in the community. When we come together with other like-minded beings there's nothing we can't accomplish.
Monday, March 14, 2011
Parvati: Shining with the light of the divine
Intro: Story of Parvati is a story of reincarnation. Sati was Shiva's first love, but her parents didn't approve of the marriage. Sati showed her devotion to shiva and her disdain for her father by throwing herself into a fire and burning herself up during one of his dinner parties. She said she hoped to one day be reborn to a king she could respect.
Shiva retreated away from the world into deep mediation. Ages later the world had become overrun by demonic forces who were threatening heaven. A powerful demon Taraka lead an army and the gods determined that only a child born of Shiva could defeat Taraka. They appealed to Shakti's spirit, which agreed to be reincarnated to try and win him over.
Shakti was then born as Parvati to a royal court in the Himalayas. She was told from an early age that she was to be the daughter of a great yogi, and learning her destiny she set out to win Shiva's heart. Unfortunately Shiva wasn't interested and couldn't be bothered. The gods tried to intervene by sending Kama, the god of passion (a sort of cupid) to shoot him with an arrow that would cause Shiva to awaken, but when he was struck with the arrow Shiva blasted Kama to bits. So
much for that plan.
Parvati retreated to the woods and became an aesthetic, praying and meditating. Eventually she cultivated so much fire/tapas from her practice that her skin glowed brightly and Shiva awakened to her warmth. After this they were soon married and Shiva's life became more joyful. They created their son Kartikeya/Skanda who went on to save the world from Taraka's army. Shiva learned bliss and danced the ananda tandava, learning to enjoy domestic life and the arts.
What this means in the real world: When we are embodied we can have the best or worst circumstances and upbringing, but ultimately we all share the desire for that freedom from pain and suffering that Shiva represents meditating in his cave. No one wants to be miserable. So like Parvati, we seek out the divine in our yoga practice, in a religion, in some other form maybe. The path to reaching the divine is cultivation of personal fire/tapas through dedication. When we shine out a light into the world we illuminate and attract the divine to us. When the divine awakens it dances blissfully and we are drawn along in its wake towards success, prosperity, and the other things we desire in life once we are free from fear, pain, and other
Inner/outer spiral:
Inner spiral like parvati turning inward to reflect, so she could cultivate the power to shine out and warm shiva's heart Do inner spiral with block standing in tadasana through chatturanga vinyasa, focusing on IS/OS. Open your thighs wide, like the cave in your tadasana mountain where shiva meditates. Mountain climbers as parvati climbs to the cave.
Tadasana - Chatturanga Vinyasa w/ block
Cat/Cow, One Handed Tiger - shiva sits on and wears tiger skin, first thing parvati probably sees in the cave.
Surya Namaskar - Pvakon - cobra (imagine you have the block) shiva has cobras wrapped around his arms, representing his thoughts mastery over distractions.
Surya Namaskar - Crescent leaning way back arms wide into backbend.
shiva wears a crescent moon in his hair
Surya Namaskar - Iguana, parvati bows to shiva, trying to awaken him
Locust, the demons plague the heavens, life is hard for them
vrksasana/Utkatasana - crow pushups, parvati goes to the woods and works hard to cultivate tapas
natarajasana - standing backbend, shiva is awakened and dances the ananda tandava - kartikeya/skanda is born and saves the heavens
dhanurasana, before shiva is won over, kama brought his bow in and tries to rouse shiva but it just makes him angry
demo/partner/self - ustrasana, find a shiva or parvati to help you melt you heart in this pose, use IS/OS to firmly ground your foundation and reach a deepen backbend
bridge - one leg each side (urdhva dhanurasana level II)
knees to chest, windshield wipers
eye of the needle, happy baby
Shiva retreated away from the world into deep mediation. Ages later the world had become overrun by demonic forces who were threatening heaven. A powerful demon Taraka lead an army and the gods determined that only a child born of Shiva could defeat Taraka. They appealed to Shakti's spirit, which agreed to be reincarnated to try and win him over.
Shakti was then born as Parvati to a royal court in the Himalayas. She was told from an early age that she was to be the daughter of a great yogi, and learning her destiny she set out to win Shiva's heart. Unfortunately Shiva wasn't interested and couldn't be bothered. The gods tried to intervene by sending Kama, the god of passion (a sort of cupid) to shoot him with an arrow that would cause Shiva to awaken, but when he was struck with the arrow Shiva blasted Kama to bits. So
much for that plan.
Parvati retreated to the woods and became an aesthetic, praying and meditating. Eventually she cultivated so much fire/tapas from her practice that her skin glowed brightly and Shiva awakened to her warmth. After this they were soon married and Shiva's life became more joyful. They created their son Kartikeya/Skanda who went on to save the world from Taraka's army. Shiva learned bliss and danced the ananda tandava, learning to enjoy domestic life and the arts.
What this means in the real world: When we are embodied we can have the best or worst circumstances and upbringing, but ultimately we all share the desire for that freedom from pain and suffering that Shiva represents meditating in his cave. No one wants to be miserable. So like Parvati, we seek out the divine in our yoga practice, in a religion, in some other form maybe. The path to reaching the divine is cultivation of personal fire/tapas through dedication. When we shine out a light into the world we illuminate and attract the divine to us. When the divine awakens it dances blissfully and we are drawn along in its wake towards success, prosperity, and the other things we desire in life once we are free from fear, pain, and other
Inner/outer spiral:
Inner spiral like parvati turning inward to reflect, so she could cultivate the power to shine out and warm shiva's heart Do inner spiral with block standing in tadasana through chatturanga vinyasa, focusing on IS/OS. Open your thighs wide, like the cave in your tadasana mountain where shiva meditates. Mountain climbers as parvati climbs to the cave.
Tadasana - Chatturanga Vinyasa w/ block
Cat/Cow, One Handed Tiger - shiva sits on and wears tiger skin, first thing parvati probably sees in the cave.
Surya Namaskar - Pvakon - cobra (imagine you have the block) shiva has cobras wrapped around his arms, representing his thoughts mastery over distractions.
Surya Namaskar - Crescent leaning way back arms wide into backbend.
shiva wears a crescent moon in his hair
Surya Namaskar - Iguana, parvati bows to shiva, trying to awaken him
Locust, the demons plague the heavens, life is hard for them
vrksasana/Utkatasana - crow pushups, parvati goes to the woods and works hard to cultivate tapas
natarajasana - standing backbend, shiva is awakened and dances the ananda tandava - kartikeya/skanda is born and saves the heavens
dhanurasana, before shiva is won over, kama brought his bow in and tries to rouse shiva but it just makes him angry
demo/partner/self - ustrasana, find a shiva or parvati to help you melt you heart in this pose, use IS/OS to firmly ground your foundation and reach a deepen backbend
bridge - one leg each side (urdhva dhanurasana level II)
knees to chest, windshield wipers
eye of the needle, happy baby
Monday, March 7, 2011
Lakshmi: Goddess of Wealth
Intro: Lakshmi's name derived from the Sanskrit word Lakshme or "goal". She represents the goal of life which is both worldly and spiritual prosperity. She is the bride of Vishnu the preserving force of the universe, and she incarnates in the various stories as wife to the various avatars of vishnu. Because she embodies the goal, this can symbolize that Vishnu can never embody himself as a hero on earth without his goal in mind or at his side.
She represents attainment with effort. Working towards some endeavor.
Four Sun Salutations focusing on the four embodiments of Lakshmi...
1. Light, SN - LL, LL twist, HL, HL twist
2. Beauty (Shri), SN - arms clasped FB, iguana right, back to center WLFB, then iguana to left
3. Fortune, SN - War I, Parvottan, Parivrtta Trikon, PAC
4. Wealth, SN - Parvakon, War II, Rev, Warrior Seal
Uttan bind
Elephant both sides
Demo/Self - Vasisthasana + WT
Lakshmi massages her husband Vishnus feed while he sists on the shesha cobra couch - help your partner with a cobra
Partner - Lakshmi riding a peacock, have a friend help you up into Peacock
Seated meditation in lotus, square breaths, hands in Kubera mudra
Bow forward childs pose with hand upheld to receive providence
Closing: We practice yoga to remember that in order to be heroic, we need to keep our goal close to our heart, so we may bring Light, Shri, Fortune, and Wealth into our lives.
She represents attainment with effort. Working towards some endeavor.
Four Sun Salutations focusing on the four embodiments of Lakshmi...
1. Light, SN - LL, LL twist, HL, HL twist
2. Beauty (Shri), SN - arms clasped FB, iguana right, back to center WLFB, then iguana to left
3. Fortune, SN - War I, Parvottan, Parivrtta Trikon, PAC
4. Wealth, SN - Parvakon, War II, Rev, Warrior Seal
Uttan bind
Elephant both sides
Demo/Self - Vasisthasana + WT
Lakshmi massages her husband Vishnus feed while he sists on the shesha cobra couch - help your partner with a cobra
Partner - Lakshmi riding a peacock, have a friend help you up into Peacock
Seated meditation in lotus, square breaths, hands in Kubera mudra
Bow forward childs pose with hand upheld to receive providence
Closing: We practice yoga to remember that in order to be heroic, we need to keep our goal close to our heart, so we may bring Light, Shri, Fortune, and Wealth into our lives.
Sunday, February 27, 2011
Dancing with the Divine
1. John's visit to town last weekend, talked about opening to grace, letting the
divine lead you in the in cairo who said "my heart is in
the sky".
2. Talked about ripples that start in the bay area (banning plastic bags)
3. Pause for a moment before each pose to listen to your heart and
the lead dancer
All 4 DD
SN - LL/HL/Twist
SN - Pvak/bind/WII/Rev
SN - Trikon/AC/Pvott/PTrik
SN - EPRK/EPRK up+ts/EPRK fb
Bind Uttan
Virasana - Pranayama
Ardha Virasana/Krounchasana
Supta Virasana - Level II attempt backbend
Closing: Freedom and peace to all beings everywhere. May the ripples expand outward from all the places where people stand for their highest and best intentions today.
divine lead you in the in cairo who said "my heart is in
the sky".
2. Talked about ripples that start in the bay area (banning plastic bags)
3. Pause for a moment before each pose to listen to your heart and
the lead dancer
All 4 DD
SN - LL/HL/Twist
SN - Pvak/bind/WII/Rev
SN - Trikon/AC/Pvott/PTrik
SN - EPRK/EPRK up+ts/EPRK fb
Bind Uttan
Virasana - Pranayama
Ardha Virasana/Krounchasana
Supta Virasana - Level II attempt backbend
Closing: Freedom and peace to all beings everywhere. May the ripples expand outward from all the places where people stand for their highest and best intentions today.
Monday, February 7, 2011
5 Yamas for Thought - Balancing Your Energy in Life
Yama's are ethical rules or literally "deaths" that one must practice in classical yoga to attain union with the divine. The Yama's are the list of DON'Ts and the Niyamas are the observances or DO's list.
There were 10 Yamas in the Upanishads, and those were condensed into 5 in the tradition of Patanjali's yoga sutras, the text which we usually reference in modern yoga as classical yoga. We don't want to take these observances too any kind of extreme, but wish to meditate on their value in our own lives.
We contemplate the Yama's to see areas where we may curb excessive energy to better align with our highest and best intentions.
Downdog Stretch - Alternating Legs with Breath - Child's Pose = Ahimsa (non-harming, self and others)
SN - Iguana to thigh stretch twist - cobra = Satya (truth, relinquishing ego to recognize the supreme in self and others)
SN - Pvakon - Warrior II - Rev Warrior - dhanurasana = Asteya (non-stealing, includes others money, time, and enery)
SN - HL turn open to pigeon - sphinx with thigh stretch - Bramacharya (appropriate use of vital essence, avoiding gambling, addition, etc...)
SN - Pigeon up, TS, then bow forward - shalabhasana - Aparigraha (absence of avarice, honesty in business dealings)
Utkat - Mal - Bakasana (ardha bakasana)
Vrksasana - Eagle
UHP - Bakasana Pigeon Balance
Ardha Virasana
Virasana - Square Breaths
Eye of the Needle
There were 10 Yamas in the Upanishads, and those were condensed into 5 in the tradition of Patanjali's yoga sutras, the text which we usually reference in modern yoga as classical yoga. We don't want to take these observances too any kind of extreme, but wish to meditate on their value in our own lives.
We contemplate the Yama's to see areas where we may curb excessive energy to better align with our highest and best intentions.
Downdog Stretch - Alternating Legs with Breath - Child's Pose = Ahimsa (non-harming, self and others)
SN - Iguana to thigh stretch twist - cobra = Satya (truth, relinquishing ego to recognize the supreme in self and others)
SN - Pvakon - Warrior II - Rev Warrior - dhanurasana = Asteya (non-stealing, includes others money, time, and enery)
SN - HL turn open to pigeon - sphinx with thigh stretch - Bramacharya (appropriate use of vital essence, avoiding gambling, addition, etc...)
SN - Pigeon up, TS, then bow forward - shalabhasana - Aparigraha (absence of avarice, honesty in business dealings)
Utkat - Mal - Bakasana (ardha bakasana)
Vrksasana - Eagle
UHP - Bakasana Pigeon Balance
Ardha Virasana
Virasana - Square Breaths
Eye of the Needle
Monday, January 31, 2011
Shiva is the ocean of consciousness, pure potential, stillness, and bliss Shakti is the waves of the ocean, the vibrational pattern and motion of all being, and the energizing force.
Utkat SN - Pvakon - cobra: Ha-tha (Sun-Moon)
Utkat SN - Iguana - bow: Rajas-Tamas (hold to center, your Satvic true intention)
Utkat SN - HL to Warrior III - arms clasped locust: Liberating Current upward - Manifesting Current downward. When we liberate energy, upward we then broadcast it out (like seeds) out into the world, so our intentions can take root and manifest.
Utkat SN - Warrior Seal - lift one leg each side in chaturanga: Light-Dark
Utkat Mal Crow (ardha bakasana): concealing-revealing
Bend back - come to tiptoes
Shiva Twists
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
Natarajasana - demo, partner, self (with partner press front arm into partners palm for stability)
Ardha Hanumanasana
Shiva is the ocean of consciousness, pure potential, stillness, and bliss Shakti is the waves of the ocean, the vibrational pattern and motion of all being, and the energizing force.
Utkat SN - Pvakon - cobra: Ha-tha (Sun-Moon)
Utkat SN - Iguana - bow: Rajas-Tamas (hold to center, your Satvic true intention)
Utkat SN - HL to Warrior III - arms clasped locust: Liberating Current upward - Manifesting Current downward. When we liberate energy, upward we then broadcast it out (like seeds) out into the world, so our intentions can take root and manifest.
Utkat SN - Warrior Seal - lift one leg each side in chaturanga: Light-Dark
Utkat Mal Crow (ardha bakasana): concealing-revealing
Bend back - come to tiptoes
Shiva Twists
Utthita Hasta Padangustasana
Natarajasana - demo, partner, self (with partner press front arm into partners palm for stability)
Ardha Hanumanasana
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Lesson Plan for 2011
January – Intentions
2nd – sub (Family Celebration)
9th – Foundation & Intentions
16th – MLK Tribute
23rd – sub (Family Celebration)
30th – Shiva/Shakti: Finding Balanced Action
February – Balance
6th – The 5 Yamas/Square Breath Pranayama
13th – sub (Family Celebration)
20th – sub (John Friend in SF)
27th – TBD
March – Goddesses
6th – Lakshmi
13th – Parvati
20th – Durga
27th – Shiva Ardhanarishvara
April – Shiva
3rd – Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu
10th – Shiva Nataraja
17th – Hanuman
24th – Easter Celebration Class
May – Tantra
1st – Matsyendra
8th – Uma the All Mother (Mothers Day Class)
15th – Tantic Philosophy
22nd – History of Tantric Shaivism
29th – JFK/Memorial Day Class
June – Divine Consciousness
5th – The Big “S” Self
12th – Shri (Beauty/Diversity)
19th – Satya (Truth/Fathers Day Class)
26th – Swatantrya (Freedom)
July – Shakti
3rd – Moksha (Liberation/Independence Day)
10th – Kali, Shiva, and Raktabija
17th – Spanda (Dynamic Pulsation)
24th – Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
31st – Invocation/Chanting
August – Grace
7th – sub (Family Celebration)
14th – Opening to Grace
21st – Flowing with Grace
28th – Mudras
September – Attitude, Alignment, Action
4th – The Three A’s
11th – Seva (Service)
18th – TBD
25th – Acknowledging Goddesses
October – Halloween Stories
2nd – Ganesh
9th – Yama
16th – Shiva
23rd – Kali
30th – Halloween Class
November – Bhagavad Gita
6th – Samskaras
13th – Krishna
20th – Arjuna
27th – The Gita
December – TBD
2nd – sub (Family Celebration)
9th – Foundation & Intentions
16th – MLK Tribute
23rd – sub (Family Celebration)
30th – Shiva/Shakti: Finding Balanced Action
February – Balance
6th – The 5 Yamas/Square Breath Pranayama
13th – sub (Family Celebration)
20th – sub (John Friend in SF)
27th – TBD
March – Goddesses
6th – Lakshmi
13th – Parvati
20th – Durga
27th – Shiva Ardhanarishvara
April – Shiva
3rd – Shiva, Brahma, and Vishnu
10th – Shiva Nataraja
17th – Hanuman
24th – Easter Celebration Class
May – Tantra
1st – Matsyendra
8th – Uma the All Mother (Mothers Day Class)
15th – Tantic Philosophy
22nd – History of Tantric Shaivism
29th – JFK/Memorial Day Class
June – Divine Consciousness
5th – The Big “S” Self
12th – Shri (Beauty/Diversity)
19th – Satya (Truth/Fathers Day Class)
26th – Swatantrya (Freedom)
July – Shakti
3rd – Moksha (Liberation/Independence Day)
10th – Kali, Shiva, and Raktabija
17th – Spanda (Dynamic Pulsation)
24th – Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutations)
31st – Invocation/Chanting
August – Grace
7th – sub (Family Celebration)
14th – Opening to Grace
21st – Flowing with Grace
28th – Mudras
September – Attitude, Alignment, Action
4th – The Three A’s
11th – Seva (Service)
18th – TBD
25th – Acknowledging Goddesses
October – Halloween Stories
2nd – Ganesh
9th – Yama
16th – Shiva
23rd – Kali
30th – Halloween Class
November – Bhagavad Gita
6th – Samskaras
13th – Krishna
20th – Arjuna
27th – The Gita
December – TBD
Monday, January 17, 2011
Honoring Dr. King, a Being of Great Intention
Introduction: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was a great and influential figure. To speak to how profound an influence he was on the world. I’m reminded of the time I asked my Grandmother Thelma Peterson what the greatest thing she’d seen in her lifetime. My grandmother was born in the early 1900s and say the first cars, the airplane, and all kinds of other great technological achievements. She was a Rosie the Riveter, working on bomber planes during WWII, and she saw women gain the right to vote.
But of all the things in my grandmother’s lifetime, when I asked her what the greatest thing she’s seen was she said this, “The other day I was looking out the window of my apartment and I saw a little black boy playing with a little white boy down the street. And you know when I was a child and for most of my life you would
never see that. I think that’s just the greatest thing.”
You think of what you can do in a lifetime and Dr. King is a modern American hero. Someone who moved mountains and touched the hearts of everyone who lived in his time. This is important to our yoga practice because ultimately the goal of yoga is our own union with the highest and best potential. Seeing people like Dr. King who really connect with that potential inspires and enlightens us.
In today's class we’re working with the seven energetic loops in the body. These are all subtle refinements on the poses, but these little things all add up to create big consequences. We engage this with strong intentions to fully
align with our highest and best in each pose.
Centering: We're working with the energetic loops by engaging them sequentially in our practice from the foundation to the extremities of the body. Each loop is part
of the unique beautiful woven tapestry that forms our body. Let your body mirror the community of the heart and the Kula. When all beingslive in their own truth in their fullest, brightest light, we can realize our own truth.
The way the loops are integrated in the body is similar to the way MLK says all beings are interrelated in finding their truth –
“All I'm saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated, that somehow we're caught in an inescapable network of
mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
“faith is taking the first step even who don’t see the whole staircase”
1. SN/LL hands on floor with back leg straight/chatturanga – press
through the heels
2. SN/LL twist – shin loop, shins in thighs out, bend knees slightly
“freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed”
3. SN/LL back knee down to hanumanasana – thigh loop,
4. SN/Pvakon/dhanurasana – pelvic loop, when in doubt stick it out, scoop tailbone in bow
“Everthing we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see”
5. SN/HL/dhanurasana – kidney loop, inflate the lower back, beach ball grab in HL, then puff up kidneys in bow
6. SN/HL twist/shalambhasana – engage shoulder loop – side body long, shoulders to ears, shoulderblades onto the back. Widen tops of shoulder blades and bring bottoms together. Engage from the back body. In high lunge plug arms in then rise up.
“Darkness cannot drive out darknesss. Hate cannot drive out hate.
Only love can do that.”
7. SN/Warrior I to II/hands on back of head lift skull up – focus on skull loop, pull ears back past shoulders and draw head back. Lift the chin and press head back into cosmic headrest.
8. Demo then as a group - Engage all Seven Loops sequentially in Side Plank and open to Wild Thing
“A man can’t ride your back unless its bent”
9. Rest in child’s pose, roll over onto back and come to bridge, engage the seven loops in each.
10. Urdhva Dhanurasana x3
”We might have arrived in different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”
11. Uttanasana/Malasana engage the seven loops
12. Savasana
Closing: We honor Dr. King and the others in the civil rights movement who taught us that we can only realize our highest and best intentions by reaching out to others to help them reach their highest and best.
But of all the things in my grandmother’s lifetime, when I asked her what the greatest thing she’s seen was she said this, “The other day I was looking out the window of my apartment and I saw a little black boy playing with a little white boy down the street. And you know when I was a child and for most of my life you would
never see that. I think that’s just the greatest thing.”
You think of what you can do in a lifetime and Dr. King is a modern American hero. Someone who moved mountains and touched the hearts of everyone who lived in his time. This is important to our yoga practice because ultimately the goal of yoga is our own union with the highest and best potential. Seeing people like Dr. King who really connect with that potential inspires and enlightens us.
In today's class we’re working with the seven energetic loops in the body. These are all subtle refinements on the poses, but these little things all add up to create big consequences. We engage this with strong intentions to fully
align with our highest and best in each pose.
Centering: We're working with the energetic loops by engaging them sequentially in our practice from the foundation to the extremities of the body. Each loop is part
of the unique beautiful woven tapestry that forms our body. Let your body mirror the community of the heart and the Kula. When all beingslive in their own truth in their fullest, brightest light, we can realize our own truth.
The way the loops are integrated in the body is similar to the way MLK says all beings are interrelated in finding their truth –
“All I'm saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated, that somehow we're caught in an inescapable network of
mutuality tied in a single garment of destiny. Whatever affects one directly affects all indirectly. For some strange reason, I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be. You can never be what you ought to be until I am what I ought to be. This is the interrelated structure of reality.”
“faith is taking the first step even who don’t see the whole staircase”
1. SN/LL hands on floor with back leg straight/chatturanga – press
through the heels
2. SN/LL twist – shin loop, shins in thighs out, bend knees slightly
“freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed”
3. SN/LL back knee down to hanumanasana – thigh loop,
4. SN/Pvakon/dhanurasana – pelvic loop, when in doubt stick it out, scoop tailbone in bow
“Everthing we see is a shadow cast by that which we do not see”
5. SN/HL/dhanurasana – kidney loop, inflate the lower back, beach ball grab in HL, then puff up kidneys in bow
6. SN/HL twist/shalambhasana – engage shoulder loop – side body long, shoulders to ears, shoulderblades onto the back. Widen tops of shoulder blades and bring bottoms together. Engage from the back body. In high lunge plug arms in then rise up.
“Darkness cannot drive out darknesss. Hate cannot drive out hate.
Only love can do that.”
7. SN/Warrior I to II/hands on back of head lift skull up – focus on skull loop, pull ears back past shoulders and draw head back. Lift the chin and press head back into cosmic headrest.
8. Demo then as a group - Engage all Seven Loops sequentially in Side Plank and open to Wild Thing
“A man can’t ride your back unless its bent”
9. Rest in child’s pose, roll over onto back and come to bridge, engage the seven loops in each.
10. Urdhva Dhanurasana x3
”We might have arrived in different ships, but we’re all in the same boat now.”
11. Uttanasana/Malasana engage the seven loops
12. Savasana
Closing: We honor Dr. King and the others in the civil rights movement who taught us that we can only realize our highest and best intentions by reaching out to others to help them reach their highest and best.
Monday, January 10, 2011
2011 Mastering our Intentions with a Strong Foundation
Introduction: My teachers have been talking about how 11 is a number of mastery. 1 represents initiation and 10 represents completion...11 is attainment or mastery and renewal of the cycle.
During the fall we worked on mastering softening and opening our hearts and building our foundation in pincha mayurasana working towards handstand. Today we're going to review some of those ideas and work together as a community, assisting each other to attain a greater awakening and alignment in those poses.
Centering - How you set your foundation, reflects your intentions. On New Years Day Darcy said: Think about your resolutions. What is the root of your intention? Condense it down to simple statement or one or two words that you can focus on throughout the year.
Ask yourself who am I, how can I align with my highest and best intentions this year in a way that will not diminish anyone elses light. Open to grace-soften your heart and let the radiant light of your highest and best intentions pour out from your heart center into your folded hands.
Chaturanga Vinyasa x3
SN - HL turn open both sides - foundation hug legs towards the midline and toward each other front to back
SN - HL root to rise
SN - HL twist, reach arms down and up - reach up and grab onto intention like BART strap, let your intention carry you forward
Pvakon - Pvottan - Pavakon - Pvottan with heart opening heart clasp - leading from the heart more effective than the head on and off the mat.
Demo/Partner - Cobra heart opener (working with partners helps us learn, the mastery of one cycle means initiation of a new one, the strong fabric of our community supports us)
Demo/Partner - Downdog lifting leg with partner clasping ankle
Demo/Partner - handstand at wall with partner supporting heart, lift leg on each side
Demo/Partner - handstand in middle of room in groups of three
Baddha Konasana - forward bend - yoke yourself to your intention and let it lead you from the heart through the new year
Pigeon (student request at beginning of class)
Supta Padangusthasana - use strap, twist to both sides
Bridge Pose - lift leg both sides (backbend option for level II, getting ready for next week)
Closing - We practice yoga to create a firm foundation to stand steadfast in who we are, so we can rise up and shine our light out into the world. We yoke ourselves to our strong intentions, so they can lead us from our hearts into the new year.
This Month - All month we will be talking about Intentions. Next week talking about MLK, honoring his strong vision and intention-filled life. Had requests from students to focus on inversions, heart opening, and shoulder loop, so we'll focus on those this month.
During the fall we worked on mastering softening and opening our hearts and building our foundation in pincha mayurasana working towards handstand. Today we're going to review some of those ideas and work together as a community, assisting each other to attain a greater awakening and alignment in those poses.
Centering - How you set your foundation, reflects your intentions. On New Years Day Darcy said: Think about your resolutions. What is the root of your intention? Condense it down to simple statement or one or two words that you can focus on throughout the year.
Ask yourself who am I, how can I align with my highest and best intentions this year in a way that will not diminish anyone elses light. Open to grace-soften your heart and let the radiant light of your highest and best intentions pour out from your heart center into your folded hands.
Chaturanga Vinyasa x3
SN - HL turn open both sides - foundation hug legs towards the midline and toward each other front to back
SN - HL root to rise
SN - HL twist, reach arms down and up - reach up and grab onto intention like BART strap, let your intention carry you forward
Pvakon - Pvottan - Pavakon - Pvottan with heart opening heart clasp - leading from the heart more effective than the head on and off the mat.
Demo/Partner - Cobra heart opener (working with partners helps us learn, the mastery of one cycle means initiation of a new one, the strong fabric of our community supports us)
Demo/Partner - Downdog lifting leg with partner clasping ankle
Demo/Partner - handstand at wall with partner supporting heart, lift leg on each side
Demo/Partner - handstand in middle of room in groups of three
Baddha Konasana - forward bend - yoke yourself to your intention and let it lead you from the heart through the new year
Pigeon (student request at beginning of class)
Supta Padangusthasana - use strap, twist to both sides
Bridge Pose - lift leg both sides (backbend option for level II, getting ready for next week)
Closing - We practice yoga to create a firm foundation to stand steadfast in who we are, so we can rise up and shine our light out into the world. We yoke ourselves to our strong intentions, so they can lead us from our hearts into the new year.
This Month - All month we will be talking about Intentions. Next week talking about MLK, honoring his strong vision and intention-filled life. Had requests from students to focus on inversions, heart opening, and shoulder loop, so we'll focus on those this month.
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